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Then he parted her bottom cheeks and the vitamin was pressed against her back hole. It didn’t hurt. It wasn’t that big. There was a bit of stretching, but she was used to having her bottom stretched.

It was more the embarrassment of lying over there while he inserted it that she didn’t like. When it was in, she tried to scoot off his lap, but he held her still with his hand on the small of her back. He pressed her bottom cheeks together.

“Just lie there for a moment while we give that a chance to work.”

Finally, he drew up

her panties then turned her over so she was sitting on his lap. He hugged her tight. “I know that’s not easy for you. But I want you to be well. You’re my world, little darling. I hope you know that.”

“You’re my world too, Daddy.” She hugged him back tight.


Charlie woke up with her throat burning.

It was far worse than it had been yesterday. She’d been hoping it would magically disappear overnight. Instead, it seemed to have gotten worse.

Push past it, Charlie. You can do this.

With her eyes half-closed and her head thumping something wicked, she shoved back the covers and tried to sit up. She swayed and rubbed at her eyes.

This wasn’t good.

“Little girl, what do you think you are doing?”

Clint’s voice boomed through her head, making her groan. She pressed her palms to her eyes as he turned on a light.

“Stop yelling, Daddy,” she said in a scratchy voice.

“I wasn’t yelling, baby.” His hand gently grasped hold of her chin, tilting her face up. “Open your eyes.”

“Can’t. Light hurts them.”

Whoops. She probably shouldn’t have admitted it. “Now he’ll make me stay in bed all day,” she muttered to herself.

“Little darling, you were already staying in bed all day.” A large, cool hand was pressed against her forehead. “Don’t you remember that you’re on bed rest?”

Bed rest? How could she be on bed rest?

“Shit. You’re burning up. How’s your throat?”

“Sore. Like my head. And my whole body.”

“Poor baby,” he said sympathetically. “Let’s lie you down and take your temperature.”

“Gotta go potty.”

“All right. Can you open your eyes if I turn the light off? The drapes are still closed.”

“Think so.”

She felt him move away. “There you go, little darling. Try now.”

Slowly, she opened her eyes. Clint crouched in front of her, his face twisted with worry. “How’s that?”

His voice was hushed. Gentle. Tears welled in her eyes. “Good,” she croaked.

After he carried her to the bathroom, he left her on her own to use the toilet. She could hear him speaking quietly into his phone in the bedroom. Probably to Doc. She groaned. His head popped into the room and she squeaked since she was still sitting on the toilet.

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