Page 49 of Wolf

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“Geez, always so fuckin’ dramatic,” Zeus said with a hint of a smile.

“I need to talk with Amara first. I don’t know if I can forgive you for sneaking around behind our backs.”

Wolf didn’t expect anything less from their enforcer. Demon was there to keep everyone on their toes and follow the rules. He wouldn’t let this slide.

“Are there any brothers in the know?” Demon asked.

Wolf wanted to protect Dragon and Fox, since he’d asked them to keep it a secret. But as the VP, he knew the significance of them knowing and favoring him over telling their president.

“Fox and Dragon. They demanded me to talk to you first but they would have told you eventually. It’s not their fault.”

Demon and Zeus shared a glance and Wolf knew that they would be left with a minor ass beating and would luckily not be banned.

“Do we need to call a prospect to drive you back?” Zeus asked.

“Nah, I can manage.”

Demon and Zeus walked away from him without a word of goodbye. It would take them some time to forgive him. He knew he needed to work on restoring their friendship. Even though he also realized that things would never be the same.

The weird thing about all of this was that he didn’t give a fuck.

As long as he had Amara.


Amara rubbed her wet palms over her jeans as she sat on top of one of the picnic tables, staring at the closed gate. It had been over an hour ago since her brothers left the compound to talk to Wolf at the bend.

The longer it took any of them to call her, the more nervous she got.

“Hey, Princess. What you doin’ out here, all alone?”

Amara suppressed the urge to scrunch her nose. Vic was the last person she’d wanted to talk to. There was just something about Turtle’s son that rubbed her the wrong way.

While she thought about his father, Vic sat down next to her. A little too close for her liking, so she shuffled a bit closer to the edge of the picnic table.

“You waiting on someone?”

Any other person would have figured out by now that she wasn’t in the mood to talk—since she hadn’t answered his first question—but not Vic. No, he just kept on prodding her for answers.

“Why are you always asking questions?” she asked before she could help herself.

Like she’d struck a nerve, he instantly cocked his head as while giving her a death glare.

“Relax. I was just wondering. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Vic’s smile didn’t reach his beady eyes. “That’s okay, Princess.”

For the sake of keeping this weird conversation flowing, she asked, “And what are you doing out here?”

“What do you mean?” he instantly said.

“Eh, you asked me first, so I don’t know… Never mind.”

“Where has your brother gone off to?”

“You already asked me that! Geez. Get a grip, Vic!”

Amara stood from the picnic table, but Vic shot out his hand, grabbing her by her arm.
