Page 8 of Journey To Fortune

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“That’s exactly what we’re thinking, but figuring out who is involved is not going to be easy. We’ve been doing a lot of business with our connections to the government as well as for private wealthy entrepreneurs. Two of them do business in Russia and in the Middle East as well as Israel,” Slade told them.

“So maybe they aren’t trying to sabotage your business, maybe it’s the clients they’re after. Is it the same client’s merchandise getting targeted?” Graham asked.

“No, plus this last event when we were ripped off and then tracked down our shit, it was like the fuckers were waiting on us, or testing us. The military support they had indicated professionals, mercenaries, and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that we could have all bitten the bullet there. It was just that Rome and Slade are always over-prepared. Everything is like a fucking military mission into enemy territory, and it saved all of us,” Rylan said to them.

“God damn, it is scary shit. What’s your plan? What do you need for us to do?” Jace asked.

“Hang tight. All we can do is wait for another hit, or another problem, and then try to backtrack and figure the shit out,” Falco told them.

“Maybe we should look into that Russian aspect and a connection to Aurik and Ivan. If you recall, we traced some of the weapons used in the hijacks to Volupus, that Russian asshole. It very well could be people in his family or association. They do shit for the Russian mob, for terrorist organizations, hell, wherever and whoever is willing to pay,” Graham added.

“That might be a good idea, considering that Hiatte does a lot of business overseas. Maybe he is the one who pissed someone off? If you can help investigate that aspect then we can see if there’s any connections,” Falco stated.

“Well, we’re here for you. Whatever you need, we got your backs,” Graham said and they thanked them.

* * * *

Mercury walked into Rome’s bedroom to check on him. Niall would be monitoring him for the next few days and staying in the guest bedroom. Niall was taking Rome’s vitals and talking to him about pain meds.

“No. I’ll get all groggy and shit and won’t know what’s going on.”

“Your brothers are here to watch over you, too. They don’t only help you to rest, Rome, they also relax your tense muscles and allow your body to heal quicker. I don’t need to go into detail about how deep that fucking bullet was. A little to the right and I would have had to call in a complete surgical team and you’d still be out. Now don’t give me any shit.”

“I said no.”

“Listen to Niall. He’s the fucking doctor, Rome. Besides, he saved me a shitload of money by not bringing in a larger surgical crew. Too many people to worry about asking too many questions,” Mercury said and walked closer to the bed.

“How about this. I’ll give you half the dosage now and see how you feel in an hour?” Niall suggested.

“Just do it through an IV, Niall.”

“What?” Rome asked and clenched his teeth and then exhaled through the pain he caused himself by moving.

“That’s an order. You take the meds and listen to the doctor, to our good friend who we trust,” Mercury said and gave Niall’s shoulder a squeeze.

“Fuck. Fine,” Rome said. Niall walked over to the medical bag, took out what he needed and then prepared to inject some painkillers into the IV.

“Any news on the assholes who pulled the heist and tried to put me six feet under?” Rome asked.

“Not too much, and what I did find out has me concerned. The Hunt men all stopped by to offer their assistance and to see you.”

“I don’t want to see no one,” Rome stated.

“Yeah, your brothers told them thank you. We’re going to have to pull together on this shit. It could have to do with what recently went down with Niall and his brothers. The only clients who have had shipments messed with were of the highest value and could be sold on the black market. It could be means of a ways to do just that. Steal from the distributors and sellers like the Mondave brothers and others we know, and then sell the merchandise. Bringing it overseas decreases any chances of getting the shit back, especially when some of the shit we all work with is illegal to begin with,” Mercury told Rome and Niall.

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