Page 75 of Journey To Fortune

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“Merk, we got a fucking huge problem,” Cooper said to him.

“What?” they all asked.

“Molokai and Weiller are at the Monclaires’, where Rose is.”

“Fuck!” Mercury yelled and started dishing out orders as they ran to the SUV.

“I’m going to kill him if he touches her. I swear to God.”

* * * *

Molokai slammed his hand against the wall, putting a hole in it. Weiller widened his eyes and then looked around them.

“We have to get the fuck out of here. How did this go so fucking wrong? I’m not going to jail, Molokai. I’m not.”

“Grab Rose. She’s in the back room.”

“And do what? Add abducting her to the list? The state police are coming after us!” Weiller yelled at him.

“The James brothers are not going to get the last laugh. I was hoping not to do this to the woman but they’ve left me no choice. Let them be miserable knowing that they sacrificed their woman to stay on top. They’ll never find her and if they are lucky enough to, they won’t want her.”

* * * *

Rose bent down to grab her bag and she saw that her cell phone had messages. When she saw Mercury’s number and the word urgent she panicked. Then she saw the others. Stay away from Molokai, he wants to hurt you. She dropped the phone and then felt the gun against her back.

“Not a sound,” Weiller whispered. Tears stung her eyes as she walked.

“What are you doing? Why?” she asked and he ushered her to the back door.

“No questions. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then put the gun down and explain to me what’s going on.”

“You got involved with the wrong men, Rose. You’re going to die,” he said as he opened the back door and pushed her forward. She turned around and kicked the gun from his hands and then ran. She couldn’t see where she was going and then suddenly she was tackled to the ground by something huge and heavy. She lost her breath and the hits came fast. To her side, her ribs, and then he flipped her over. Tape went over her mouth and then her hands were tied as she tried screaming and kicking but Cuppa, Molokai’s guard, was in a rage. He snagged her up like a sack of potatoes and carried her to a car. He tossed her inside and she lay face down on leather seats. She was shaking, crying as the car moved and took off.

She couldn’t move an inch, he tied her up so tight. She was shaking and very scared. She thought about her men and how they had warned her, trained her for this and she resisted. She hadn’t wanted to believe that she would ever need to defend herself and here she was fighting for her life. She failed. She let him tie her up and now she was helpless. She continued to cry, not knowing what was going on and hoping that her men knew and would come save her.

Chapter 13

“Three fucking days. She could be anywhere and we’re getting nowhere. Molokai won’t talk. The motherfucker took a fucking beating until the cops stopped us. Fuck,” Slade yelled as they stood in the living room of their house. Their friends were there, all working on finding any leads.

“She must be so scared. Or fucking dead because of us. Fuck, we never should have let her out of our sight,” Rome stated.

“We’ve interviewed everyone we can. No one knows shit,” Remo whispered.

“Where’s Mercury?” Cooper asked them.

“In the cottage, I think,” Rylan told him.

“The Feds are involved now, too. They confiscated everything they can on Molokai and all his assets are frozen, with some friends’ help they were able to track down overseas accounts and freeze those too,” Graham added.

“None of it matters if Rose is dead,” Falco said and then stood up and walked over to the window. He stared at the cottage. Mercury was there a while.

“Mercury is taking this so hard. He called Nicolai again.”

“Maybe Nicolai will do what none of us can and locate her,” Rylan said and then covered his face with his hands.

“I’m going to go talk with Mercury,” Rome told them and moved toward the kitchen and side door that led toward the cottage.

* * * *

Mercury stared at the painting Rose had been working on. She hadn’t wanted them to see it until it was complete and apparently it was. The setting was at Torenzi’s, where they shared their first date. The colors were so authentic the scene looked almost as clear as a photograph and was exactly like the rooftop setting. She was so talented, so beautiful inside and out. They destroyed her life, her future by putting her in danger and not foreseeing the potential for danger she was in because of them.

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