Page 43 of Journey To Fortune

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“I’m there and I’m not even inside of you. Holy shit,” Remo said.

“Fuck, oh shit, Rose, stop. Jesus, I want to be inside of you when I come,” Rome said and she released his cock and then jerked as Remo began to thrust fingers of lube into her ass.

“Oh yeah, get on up there and ride Rome. He’s been bedridden for two weeks. He needs pleasure,” Remo said to her and gave her ass a slap.

She lifted up and locked gazes with Rome. He fumbled with the condom, got it in place, and fisted his cock while holding her gaze. She blushed then she slid down over his shaft.

He in return gripped her hips, held her still, and then began to thrust up into her as she rode him as best she could. Behind her Remo slid fingers faster into her ass and then he pulled out.

“I’m ready, Rose. Are you?” he asked and lowered down to kiss her shoulder.

“Ready,” she said and Remo slid into her ass in one deep stroke.

“Oh!” she cried out and Rome pulled her down with one good arm and he kissed her deeply as he thrust his hips upward. Over and over again both men stroked into her body, trying to claim her as their woman.

“More. Fuck, I need to get deeper. Fucking deeper,” Remo said and she cried out another release and Remo followed. As Remo pulled out Rome gripped her hips and grunted and roared as he came next.

She ran her palms up Rome’s chest and he gripped them with one hand.

“Now I’m ready for bed,” Rome said and his brothers chuckled.

Slade lifted Rose into his arms and brought her into the bathroom.

“Is Rome going to be okay?” she asked as Slade started the shower.

“He’ll be just fine, just his attitude sucks,” he said and chuckled.

“Is he in a lot of pain?”

“You should have asked him,” he replied and she felt a little funny, like Slade was being cold suddenly. Her gut clenched. Had she fallen for their words of trust and sincerity, but they actually lied or didn’t think this was a big deal?

“Let’s shower and get to bed. I think this is going to be a very long weekend.”

Chapter 8

“Well?” Molokai answered the phone and waited to hear what Weiller found out.

“She went home with Mercury and his brothers last night,” Weiller told him.

Molokai leaned back in the chair at his desk and looked at the pictures he had of Rose from last night. Another pile contained surveillance photographs taken by one of his main men, Cuppa, who caught Mercury James, Roger Hiatte, and three very well connected men meeting at a marina a few days ago.

“I also found out that Rose is rather poor, struggling to make ends meet, as we suspected last night. She’s behind on her bills, and her condominium complex is a shit hole. Her pantry and refrigerator bare. She was definitely living from day to day.”

“Then Mulgoff did right by her, getting those paintings to sell and offering her the modeling position. She is beautiful and very talented.”

“I saw you took a liking to her last night early on.”

“As did you. What man in their right mind wouldn’t find her appealing?”

“You sound like you’ve given up pursuing her because the James men are sleeping with her.”

“If I wanted her in my bed last night she would have been there. I saw the interaction between her and Mercury. Who would have thought this would all fall into place for me and my plan?”

“What are you thinking of doing?” Weiller asked him.

“Well, first of all I needed a way to get to the James men. They’re always steps ahead. Initially I wanted to take them down and eliminate their business entirely, but if what our inside source says is true, this delivery they’re possibly planning would be worth millions of dollars, and that means billions in resale overseas.”

“What does Rose have to do with accomplishing this plan?” Weiller asked.

“I needed a distraction, a decoy of sorts. Something that would make them lose their concentration and screw up. When emotions are involved, even the strongest of men can be taken down by the loins of a woman. She will serve my plan well. Now for the important stuff. You got a copy of the pictures from the surveillance. This is something big. This security detail the James brothers are getting with Hiatte and the three connected men. Our inside contact must have been right after all.”

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