Page 25 of Journey To Fortune

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“Pina has been helping me decide.”

“It’s not easy. She has a bunch of paintings in her small apartment and then more in storage,” Pina said and the waiter brought over their drinks and then went around the table to take their food orders.

* * * *

Rose listened to the men talk about their training activities today and tease one another about their errors during different parts of the obstacle courses, as well as challenges to better gun shooting and hand-to-hand combat techniques.

She couldn’t believe how cool it all sounded, making them seem capable and realizing that Rylan had been right. She wouldn’t have been able to defend herself against that goon the other day, and what if someone else tried something Friday night? Was she asking for trouble by modeling in such sexy designer wear? And what exactly did Mulgoff have in store for her to wear Friday night?

She felt Rylan’s arm go over the back of her chair and she couldn’t help but to lean back as she pretended to look at Pina as Dane and Knox talked about some practice shooting a gun at the range. When she felt Rylan’s fingers caress her arm she turned to look at him. He gave a soft smile, and those deep brown eyes of his drew her in.

“You ever take any self-defense classes or shooting lessons?”

She shook her head.

“You should,” Falco barked at her. He was fierce, as were Slade and Remo.

Slade squinted at her. “She can go along with Pina. We can make a day of it,” Slade said.

“That would be great. I don’t like doing it but I suppose it is necessary, just in case,” Pina said.

“I don’t think so. I don’t like guns,” Rose said and sat forward.

“You don’t need to like them, but learning to use one is important. Learning some defense moves sounds like a good thing too,” Slade added. He seemed bossy and she felt like these men were just assuming they could tell her what to do. She hardly knew them, and despite finding them attractive they seemed controlling and rough. It was intimidating.

“We can go Saturday. I’ll set everything up at the range. Then we could go by Caspian’s dojo and boxing club. Gianna has been doing some training too lately,” Knox added to the conversation.

“I don’t think so,” Rose said, feeling scared to do anything like this. She was a very laid back person and violence scared her. She avoided it and hated confrontations. She liked living life with rose colored glasses and not focusing on the negatives and dangers. The idea of even touching a gun frightened her. Physically having to fight someone did not seem like a realistic event that would ever happen in her life. She was a negotiator, a person who calmed people down from fighting.

She felt the hand on her knee and jerked.

“Hey, no need to be scared. We can help you out. All of us,” Rylan added.

Just then the waiter delivered their food and thank God they didn’t push, until after they finished eating and the James men needed to head out.

“We’ll pick you up at your place on Saturday at eleven. Knox and Falco will make all the arrangements,” Rylan said and stood up.

“I didn’t say yes to doing that.”

“You’ll go. It will be fun,” Pina said.

“No, I don’t think it will be,” Rose added and then the men all said good-bye and shook her hand. One after the next she couldn’t believe the attraction she felt for the James men. When they left she sat down and exhaled.

“That was interesting,” Pina said.

Rose covered her face with her hands. Pina chuckled.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like them?” Knox asked Rose.

She uncovered her face and looked at him.

“I don’t feel comfortable about this,” she said.

“It’s a good way to get to know them,” Dane added.

“I have a lot going on right now. I don’t have time for games. And touching a gun, never mind shooting one, scares me.”

“That’s normal, but they’re highly trained professionals, and they’re good at training. They’ve trained every member of their security firm, and are considered the best,” Dane added.

“I’m the least confrontational person. I like calm, non-eventful moments that are peaceful and quiet. I like listening to the ocean, watching people, not firing loud guns that kill people or rolling around on a mat trying to stop someone from strangling me. Those are things I won’t ever need or want to know about.”

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