Page 33 of Tied and Tangled

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“I fucked up.” The words sounded like gravel as they slipped past my lips. I felt like my heart was no longer in my chest as I pushed off the car and stood in front of her. “I’m so fucking sorry, Aria baby.”

“For what?” she whispered, finally meeting my eyes with hers to let me soak in her dark stare.

“For being an asshole. For saying shit we both know wasn’t true.”

“Are you sending them away?” she asked just above a whisper. I shook my head.

“No. That wasn’t even the plan anymore.”

“When was it?” she asked. I swallowed hard.

“All last year,” I answered her honestly. I didn’t want anything between us. No lies or misunderstandings. I wanted a future with Aria. The last twenty-four hours had been a hell I never wanted to experience again.

“When did you change your mind?”

“The moment I reached for you in the elevator during the earthquake,” I answered.


“No. Yes. I’m not sure.” I sighed. “After we got to the penthouse and—“ I licked my lips remembering that first time we shared. I swore I could almost taste her. Smell her pussy. “Everything between us.” I shook my head. “Honestly, I was already doubting my decision, but being with you, talking about the holidays, planning Christmas. Together. I don’t know. I knew there was no way I could ever send them away.”

“But you didn’t say that when—"

“I was a dick,” I cut her off, and her eyes widened. I stepped closer to her. My hands rose, daring to hold on to the sides of her face. “I’m sorry, baby girl. I wish I could go back in time and take those fucking words back.”

“I forgive you,” she whispered. The moment her words processed, I dropped my head to touch hers.

“Really?” I rasped.

“Really.” She nodded, but before I knew it, she was pulling away and to the side. “What are you—"

“That was five minutes.” She shrugged. I could see the war waging in her dark gaze.

“Aria, baby, I just—"

“I forgive you, but I’m not a doormat, Aiden. I love you. I’ve loved you and your girls from what feels like the moment I started working for you.”

“Aria,” I rasped, and she reached for my hand.

“I still love you. And I love River and Lake more than life itself but—"

“I was a dick. Please come back with me and—"

“And what? Work for you? Please, Aiden, we both know I can’t do that. I can’t pretend in front of the girls that you and I aren’t a thing. I can’t go sneaking to their daddy’s room like a thief in the night.”

“I’m not asking you to do that. That was never the plan.”

“Did you tell them about us already?” she asked, and I froze. I’d hardly been able to function since returning to the empty penthouse.

“No.” I was being honest, and I could tell my answer hurt her.

“Did you tell them I left?”

“No.” My jaw clenched. She just nodded. Her dark eyes dropped to the ground, and I could see her trying to come up with something to say. The moment her head rose and our gazes locked, I knew I wasn’t going to like whatever she was going to say.

“When you do, I’ll be here,” she shared. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” My voice cracked like some preteen kid’s.

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