Page 13 of Tied and Tangled

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Not that my girls were a mistake.

I knew if she let me, I would take her balls deep and there was no way I would let anything between us. I’d want to take her bare, damn the consequences.

Suddenly, the image of little dark-haired, dark-eyed babies with beautiful olive skin popped into my head. Babies that looked like my sweet little nanny and me. My heart stuttered in my chest.

“Mr. Stark?” she called out, and I slowly let her down off the wall, not letting go of her until her feet touched the ground.

“I’m…” I couldn’t finish that sentence. As fucked up as it was, I wasn’t sorry. I couldn’t straight out lie to her. “Will you have dinner with me?”

“Dinner?” She smiled genuinely. Big and wide, it reached her eyes.

“Please? With the earthquake, I’m not sure what we could order out, but I can make something.”

“You cook?” she asked. I could see the little brat was trying to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“I make a mean breakfast,” I offered, trying to ignore the multiple of images bombarding my mind and heart at once. And falling with every second she thought about her answer.

“Okay. Breakfast for dinner sounds good.”

“Good.” I swallowed heavily and tried to breathe in to steady my trembling heart, but I swear it felt like every molecule of oxygen was infused with her scent.

She turned toward her bed, and I adjusted myself against my dress slacks. I was so close to her bed, her taste in my mouth was too much. I needed to get the hell out of there. But not without her. I had her in my space. Our space. I shook my head and frowned. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts or these stolen moments with her, but fuck me, I wasn’t going to give them up.

I watched as she grabbed her phone, swiping through the multiple notifications.

“My sisters,” she shared with a shrug as her eyes met mine. I nodded.

“You guys are close.”

“Too close,” she joked, but I knew she didn’t mean it. Not really. Her family intrigued me. Seven women. Six sisters raised by a single mom after a tragedy took away Aria’s dad. Over the last year, not only had I got to meet them, but River and Lake had also. Each woman welcomed my girls with open arms.

Aria walked up to me, and my hand found hers. Tangling her fingers with mine, I lifted it up and kissed her knuckles. “Ready?” I asked. I meant if she was ready to go have dinner, but part of me wondered if I meant so much more than that.

Your plan, idiot!She nodded, and my plans fizzled away. We walked out of her room and directly to the kitchen.

“Pancakes or waffles?” I asked the moment after I set her up on the counter, my body between her legs. Jesus, I couldn’t seem to keep my hands to myself now.

“Pancakes.” She grinned. I kissed the tip of her nose before forcing myself to step away and get my ass to cooking us dinner.

In less than thirty minutes, I had her back on my lap feeding her fluffy scrambled eggs and crisp bacon. “You weren’t kidding.” She smiled. “Best breakfast ever.” She winked, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Wait till you try my French toast.” Her eyes lit up, and she hid her smile from me as she reached for her coffee and took a sip. But she hadn’t been quick enough. I’d seen it. And I knew what she was thinking because it was the same exact thing I was thinking.

Another night alone with her.

In the future.

“Why does breakfast work so well for dinner?” she asked, changing the subject. “Growing up, I remember my mom used to make it at least once a week.” She sighed. A dreamy smile covered her beautiful face. “Looking back, it was probably because she was rushing around and it was the easiest thing to whip up. Especially when the six of us were so little and couldn’t really pitch in. But for me? Those were my favorite nights.”


“Yeah.” She sighed softly. “I don’t know. I probably sound cheesy.”

“Not at all, baby.” The term of endearment slipped past my lips without thinking, and it didn’t go amiss by her. She worried her lower lip.


“Aiden,” I corrected immediately. “You call me Aiden.”

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