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As I wake up, I’m a little disoriented and confused. My bed is never this comfortable, and my walls aren't painted a spotless white. As I sit up, the soreness in my body brings the memories of the night before right back.


I spent the night with Sebastian. I just had sex with my boss. I wait for the guilt to hit, but it doesn't. As sore as I currently am, I realize that I had quite an enjoyable evening last night. A repeat is the only thing I really want.

I look around, frowning when I realize that the person on my mind isn't in the room. I move my hands over to his side of the bed, glad to find it still warm. I hope he's in the bathroom.

As if I'd conjured him, a glass door that's so sheer it's almost invisible slides open. Sebastian steps into the room wrapped in only a towel around his lean waist. Droplets of water cascade down the chest I had kissed and sampled last night. I shut my eyes as my clit begins a slow, steady throb.

A low sexy chuckle reaches my ears. I pop my eyes open to find Sebastian regarding me with laughter and passion in the depths of his eyes.

“Come here,” I say as I widen my arms and urge him forward.

Sebastian shakes his head.

“Nobody tells me what to do.”

“Not even if I’m the one who asks you?” I whisper as I allow the blanket that I've had up to my neck to lower, exposing the swells of my breast.

I see the laughter leave Sebastian's face quickly.

“Paislee, I have to get to work.”

“So do I,” I say, pushing the blanket lower so that my breasts are completely exposed to his ravenous gaze.

“You're gonna make us late,” Sebastian growls as he throws his towel to the side and moves predatorily toward me.

After we have sex again, I push my face into the curve of Sebastian's neck and breathe in deeply.

“I like doing this with you.”

“I’m sure you can tell by now, that I like it too,” Sebastian says as he wraps me tenderly in his arms. We lie there for a few moments in bliss.

Sebastian lazily strokes my hair, dropping a soft kiss on my cheek.

This doesn't feel like a casual roll in the hay for me. Both the sex from last night and this morning was too intense for that. I won't mention that though. I don't want things to be weird between us.

“You were right last night.”

“About what?” I question because my brain feels mushy. I can't remember much else from last night.

“Regarding Callie. I've sort of neglected her and I would like to make that clear to her.”

“How do you plan to do that?” I ask, moving away to gaze at him.

He turns those enchanting hazel eyes toward me.

“Dinner with my mother. You would accompany us as her nanny, of course.”

“Our work agreement did not extend to visiting moms.” I tease.

“Well, I can pay you extra.”

I frown. The joke has flown over his head.

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