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Page 40 of Past

"The woods? This seems like the start of a horror movie to me."She grins, she isn’t really scared. I can see that.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her.

"Yes,"she says firmly, keeping eye contact with me.

"Well, get your fine, little ass out of the car," I say, handing her a big coat I packed along with a hat. She smiles sweetly, making me wonder how much trouble I'm in with this girl if a smile alone makes me happy. I put my own coat on while getting out of the truck and grabbing the rucksack with the stuff inside. I switch on the big flashlight I've brought with me as I wait for Allie.I lock the door and put my keys in my rucksack.

I take Allie’s hand as she comes to me, and we walk slowly together into the woods. It takes about ten minutes before we get to the entrance of the cave.

"A cave?" Allie questions.

I chuckle, walking into the cave with her, and then I stop her near the entrance to the room I want. "Close your eyes," I whisper to her.

"Fine,” she mutters stubbornly, which I like.

I move away from her and switch on the fairy lights I have placed around the room, plugged into the portable battery box I bought. I quickly lay down the blanket and pillows from my rucksack. I go back to see her standing there, and I can't help but kiss her.She gasps into my mouth, and I pull away before it can go any further.

I walk, with her hand in mine, into the room, and then I whisper, after moving to stand behind her, "Open your eyes."

I hear her gasp as she looks around at the cave. The walls seem to shine but it’s the opening above the cave that is the reason we are here. It's amazing, with a clear view of all the stars making the cave seem magical. I lead her to the middle of the room, and we both sit down.

"Elliot, this place . . . it’s so beautiful." She sighs, leaning back into me and looking up.

"Let's lie down," I say, and we do, with her head lying on my shoulder.

"You can see all the stars here. How did you find it?"

"Sometimes I liked to get away when I was younger. This cave is only about an hour’s walk from the house, and we own the land it’s on. I found it one day, and then I used to come here all the time. I like looking at the stars. No matter how bad things were at home, I knew the stars would be waiting for me here," I say, trying to shake away my reason for looking for an escape in the first place.

"I used to cook. My mum left and Dad was never around. We had a nanny, but she was never around and would make us horrible microwave meals. So I decided, at six, I was going to learn. Cooking eventually became something I did to relax and it became an escape from life, sometimes. Tristan is only ten months younger than me, and he tried to help look after me even when it wasn’t his job. It was hard to always be alone."

I take this in. I guess I never really thought what it was like for her. I can never say I was alone, sure my mother wasn’t around, and our father didn’t give a shit, but I always had my brothers. They were always there for me, Harley watching over me, Seb making me laugh when I needed it, and Luke reminding me what it’s like to be innocent and free. I needed that when the days were bad, and they were fucking bad at times.

"Where is your mum?" I ask her.

"Somewhere in Paris, I think. She doesn't care and won't see us. Tristan saw her last when he was fourteen, she came for a day, but he said she left before I came back from my day out. I've wondered if it was something to do with my dad, did he scare her? I don’t know," she says in a whisper, it still echoes around the cave like all of our words do.

I look at Allie; she is so strong and beautiful. I could lie here all night with her. Just being with her gives me a peace I didn’t know I could ever have. Allie challenges me with every word out of her mouth, but at the same time, she can calm me. She may not know it, but I do. Allie has me, she always did, and she always will.

"Maybe, but I know you’re nothing like either of them," I say gently and roll over her, so that my body is pressed into hers, my arms holding up my weight.

"I think I can be a bitch some of the time, but yeah, I'm not evil, and I couldn't kill," she says.

"I know," I say, kissing her and showing her how much I care with just my mouth. She moans as I run my hand over her body, covered by her coat.

"I don't want you to catch a cold," I say, stopping her hands undoing my jeans.

"I won't." She winks, pushing me onto my back. I look up as she undoes my jeans and pulls me out. I was hard the minute I kissed her earlier, but this wasn't about sex for me.

"Allie," I say when she kisses the top of my dick and makes my fists clench.

I groan as she suddenly takes me into her mouth, and I run my hand through her hair as she moves up and down. Fuck, she is good at this, and there's no way I can hold off coming right now.I just don’t have the control when it comes to Allie, and the little minx knows it.

As if she knows how close I am, she sucks me tighter and moves faster, and as I feel my balls tighten, I throw my head back as I come hard. I'm dazed as she slides up to me, licking her red lips and resting her head on my shoulder. I roll her onto her back and kiss her hard, loving how she tastes like me. We are broken apart as her phone buzzes three times.

"I should check that," she says with a grin.

"Go on, then," I say, nipping her ear and rolling onto my back and looking up at the stars. I used to think they were the most beautiful thing about this cave, but with Allie in here, she is.

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