Page 44 of Secret

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Page 44 of Secret

Before I think, I ask, “Who did you piss off?” But, I suspect I know the answer.

Tris ignores the question and passes me a note while no one is looking, saying quietly, “Tell Seb no problem. I enjoyed helping you out.” He grins cheekily at me and walks away. I guess Sebastian must have said thanks for helping me that night at The Cage. I’m glad Blake didn’t overhear that because I reckon there would be another black eye around the corner.

I can’t open the note here, so I push it into my bag and see Sebastian waiting by the door as I grab my bag.

“Hey, sis,” he says, putting his arm around my shoulders after messing my hair up a little, in a way he knows pisses me off.

“Hey, bro,” I say, laughing as I look for Blake, who is still in the classroom packing his bag.

“I have no date today. I know, shocking, so I'm having lunch with you,” he says and pulls me toward the door as we walk to lunch.

Sebastian chats away about something that happened at a party last night, and I listen slightly as I pick out my lunch, with Sebastian getting nearly three times the amount I get.

We sit down at an empty table, and I start eating while Sebastian texts quickly on his phone. The sound of a chair scraping across the floor makes me lift my gaze from the sandwich I’m eating. I frown as Elena, the annoying blonde, sits next to Sebastian and rubs herself up against his side as a hello.

I don’t see Blake until then, as I look away from Sebastian, and he is looking at me as I lock my gaze onto his. I’m a little annoyed that he is sitting at another table, but I know why he didn’t sit with us. I smile at the boy with bright-red hair, who I met briefly a few weeks ago, as he waves at me from where he is sitting and chatting with Blake.

“Hey, do you want to come to my place tonight, baby?” The annoying purring voice of Elena makes me look back at my food.

Sebastian says,“Sure, why not?” but I notice he looks bored, as he ignores her to eat his food. I finish mine quickly and tell Sebastian I’ll see him soon. He nods at me as Elena glares at me, as usual.

I make my way to history class. I know I'm early as the room is empty, but I want time to read that note. I walk into the empty classroom and sit down before opening the note.

It says,

'Tell your boyfriend to back off. I get that he was annoyed, but unless you want everyone knowing about you two, he needs to. Tris.’

I push the note back into my bag, grabbing my phone and quickly messaging Blake.

Me: Tris told me you punched him, don't do anything else please as someone will guess. My brothers know Tris helped me at The Cage. They will guess who I'm dating x

Blake texts back a few minutes later, as I’m getting my history books out onto my table.

Sexiest man alive: sorry, I didn't think, I just reacted. You make me crazy, beauty x

Me: I know, I wanted to punch Aimee when I saw you and her on that sofa, you make me crazy too, but Tris was helping, so no more. x

Him: I think you’re even sexier being jealous, but you don't have to be, you have me completely. I know it doesn’t make it easier, but you’re mine. Are you still coming after school to my mum’s dinner? x

Me: I am yours, way too much and yes, I’ll meet you there x

Him: see you later x

I put my phone away as everyone walks into class, including Allie, who gives me a side hug before sitting. She looks amazing, as usual, wearing a pink, flowered sundress and nude sandals.

“Hey, you; wow, you’re glowing. You slept with him!” She practically shouts the end part, and a few heads turn to look at me.

“Shush, Allie, Jesus,” I whisper.

She looks guilty for a second, pushing her long hair behind her ear before whispering, “How good was he? I want all the details later. I need this, due to not having a current sex life.” She pouts, making me smile.

“I’ll tell you later.” I laugh and turn my attention to the teacher as she starts the class.

The lesson goes by quicker than I thought it would, and I wave goodbye to Allie as I leave, promising to chat later. I message Sebastian quickly to say I'm going to a friend’s house for the night and will be back in the morning.

He doesn't reply, which I take as a good thing and drive off to Blake’s using the sat nav on my phone to find the way. Knowing me, I would get lost without my phone. I pull up to Blake’s giant house, looking in wonder at how lovely it is. I leave my bag in the car as I get out, just taking my keys and phone to the door before ringing the doorbell.

It’s not long before the door opens to a smiling Summer. She looks cute wearing blue jeans and a white blouse.

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