Page 8 of Let Me Be the One

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“Hey, aren’t they thecast of Green’s Law?”

“How should I know?” I ask Seb. “I don’t watch that shit.”

“It’s not like I watch it for the story. Those girls are the hottest chicks on television.”

Okay, now I’m interested. I turn to look at the large, curved booth in the back of Barnaby’s—where Duncan convinced Seb and me we should start our pub crawl. Barnaby’s isn’t one of our regular haunts, but there are plenty of attractive women here even without taking the TV stars into account. Though, the woman returning Seb’s stare right now is hotter than a swimsuit model.

Seb raises his beer in her direction before taking a giant slurp. It’s his seventh beer so far tonight. Not that you can tell from the way he’s knocking it back.

“Pace yourself, Seb,” Duncan says. “You won’t last the night if you go too hard now.”

“Dude, I don’t care about lasting the night if I can take one of those ladies home with me.”

I snort. “What every woman wants to hear: I don’t care about lasting the night.”

Duncan chuckles. “Brewer’s droop should be a warning on the label of every beer bottle.”

Seb gives us both the finger. “You arseholes know that’s not what I meant. I could last for hours with any one of them. It wouldn’t matter how many beers I’d had.”

“Sure,” I mutter, taking another swig of my beer.

“I could,” Seb assures me heatedly. “Even the one wearing those giant glasses is a babe. Though I don’t remember ever seeing her on the show before. Maybe she’s one of the extras.”

I’m assuming Seb is referring to the blonde sitting at the end of the curved booth. Seb can probably see her face from where he’s standing, but I can’t because of the way her body is turned towards the girl next to her. A curtain of hair the colour of dark honey falls past her shoulders, and she’s got a killer set of legs, but I can’t rate her properly until I see her face. Boobs, arse, and body are important, of course, but she’s got to have a face to go along with it if I’m going to think about taking her home with me.

“Hey, wait a minute. Don’t we know her?” Duncan asks as the woman turns towards us slightly.

The beer bottle freezes halfway to my mouth as I realise we do. Usually, she wears contacts, but I’ve seen those giant black circular frames before, and I’m very familiar with the face. Lainey Campbell. I can’t believe I just checked out Lainey. How did I not realise she had such a killer set of legs before now?

Because my eyes were for Amber only, that’s why.

Duncan puts his hand on my shoulder. “Is it her?”

“It’s Lainey, yeah.”

“You know her?” Seb asks.

Duncan rolls his eyes. “So do you. She’s Lucas’s ex-girlfriend. The one that got dumped at the same time.”

No further explanation is necessary. Seb is across the fucked up double dumping that happened three months ago.

Seb frowns. “I don’t remember her.”

“She was at Duncan’s birthday bash last year,” I tell him.

“No way. I would have hit on her.”

“You wouldn’t have,” I correct him. “She was with Lucas at the time and didn’t have eyes for anyone else.”

The look on her face when she realised it was over with Lucas is something I won’t forget in a hurry. Both of our hearts were smashed to smithereens three months ago. I’m still picking up the scattered parts of mine. I’m pretty sure it’s the same for Lainey.

Seb rubs his hands together with gleeful intent. “But she’s single now?”

“Single, yes. Interested, no.”

“You don’t know that.”

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