Page 32 of Let Me Be the One

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“It means you’ve barely hung out with me and Seb these past few weeks. I knew you were seeing someone. I don’t know why you didn’t just come right out and tell me instead of pussyfooting around the truth for the last month.”

Duncan shoves a hand in his pocket and leans against the pool table. “I thought it might be easier if we were all together when I came clean.”

All together? He could have said something last time we were hanging out at the pub. He didn’t need to invite Cass and Lainey along. When I glance at Lainey and see her taking off her jacket to reveal the sexiest dress I’ve ever seen her wear, however, I choose not to point this out. She found out at the same time I did. Two birds with one stone. Maybe they thought it would be better for both of us if we found out together.

“How did Lainey take it?” I ask.

“She found out about three minutes before you did. But she seems happy enough for me and Cass.” He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “I hope you can be happy for me, too. I know we said we’d be bachelors till the last, but—”

“That was before you met Cass.” I finish for him, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

“She’s... awesome,” Duncan says. “I don’t know how else to describe her.”

“Listen, I’m done with relationships,” I tell him. “I’m done with hanging my hopes and dreams on someone else. And I’m done with changing for someone when it’s not in me to be good enough for anyone.”


“But I’m not going to stop you from diving into that shark infested water. If this is what you want to do, then I’ve got your back.”

I can’t deny I don’t see Cass and Duncan working out, but that’s their mistake to make. And yeah, I’ve been bitter about what happened with Amber and generally pretty miserable these past months, but I’m not going to stand in his way if this is what he wants.


He looks completely shocked, so shocked it makes me wonder exactly how he thought I was going to react to the news.

My eyes fall on Lainey, and suddenly I get it—why she was invited to guy’s night and why Duncan said he wanted to tell us all together. He thought I’d kick up less of a stink if Lainey was around. Bloody hell, I hope he’s not getting ideas about me and Lainey hooking up now that he’s into Cass.

“She’s good for you, you know,” Duncan says.

“We’re friends,” I growl, glaring at him.

“Didn’t think you were anything else, mate.”

When I look back at Duncan, he seems to be telling the truth. Well, he’ll be disappointed if he isn’t. I might have realised Lainey is gorgeous, but I meant what I said to Duncan about being done with relationships. I’m over them. And Lainey... well, she’s a romantic. She believes in happy ever afters. At least she did before things went south with Lucas. If she ever gets over him, she’ll be looking for a new happily ever after—something I want no part of.

“I just meant that you look less like someone pissed in your cornflakes,” Duncan says, slapping me on the back before moving to the other pool table to talk to Cass and Seb.

When Lainey sees that Duncan and I have stopped talking, she moves back to join me.

“Whose turn is it?” she asks.

“Mine,” I reply as I grab my cue and aim for one of the bigs on the table.

I sink one of her balls, and the white ball. Fuck.

“Are you okay?” she asks me quietly.

As my eyes meet hers, I wonder if she’s aware of what her role is supposed to be tonight—the role of peacemaker. I want to be annoyed at her and at Duncan for it, but the truth is, I do feel better with Lainey here.

Annoyingly, Duncan might be right. Being friends with Lainey has probably been good for me. I still feel angry and bitter about my break-up with Amber, but it’s not all I think about anymore. And if I’m not mistaken, I think Lainey feels a little better, too. At least she says she’s writing again.

“I’m fine,” I tell her. “Or I would be if I could shoot straight.”

“I’m not worried about that. The fact you’re not shooting straight is very good for me.”

I can’t help but grin at her comment. “Is that so?”

“Indeed!” she declares, lining up her next shot.

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