Page 113 of Let Me Be the One

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He laughs. “They’re probably just talking. Girls like to talk a lot. You should know that by now.”

“I do know that. I just didn’t realise that we’d turned into girls. Look at us; you asking me if I’m in love. They should be the ones having this conversation, not us. We’re men. We’re not supposed to get deep.”

“Speak for yourself. I’m deep.”

“Deep as a puddle.”

Duncan picks a chip up off Cass’s plate and throws it at me.

I chuckle, feeling relieved things between Duncan and me are back to normal.

“I think I like you better when you’re a miserable fuck.”

“That guy is gone.”

Duncan starts to make some smartarse remark but stops mid-sentence. I turn to find out what he’s looking at and see an attractive brunette standing next to the table.

“Hi, Ben, remember me?”

I don’t recognise her for a second, not without the crazy coloured streaks in her hair, but eventually I remember her as the girl I was chatting up the first night I went to Barnaby’s. Ms Multi-coloured. Her hair isn’t black and dyed anymore, it’s now light brown. And she no longer looks pissed I blew her off to have a drink with Lainey.

“How’s it going?” I ask.

“Good.” She smiles. “How are you?”

“Your hair is different,” I observe.

“It is,” she says, smiling and touching her hair.

I want her to go away, but I’m not used to getting rid of girls.

“Do you like it?” she asks.

“It looks fine.”

I’m beyond relieved when I see the girls return from the bathroom. Lainey looks like she’s touched up her makeup, and I have to pick my jaw up off the floor as she walks towards me. She’s wearing the same boots, leather skirt, and top she wore to Cass’s party. This time there’s no confusion; I know she’s wearing it for me. I don’t think she’s got any idea all the men in the place are salivating over her because she’s too busy glaring at Ms No Longer Multi-coloured standing beside our table.

Lainey pushes past the other woman and slides into the booth next to me. “Babe,” she says to me before leaning in and setting me on fire with her kiss.

Her lips are hotter and more demanding than they’ve ever been as she claims me for all to see. I can’t get enough of her, and I groan loud enough for everyone at Barnaby’s to hear when she runs her hand along the hard length of me through my pants.

“If we throw our drinks at them, will they stop?”

Hearing Cass’s question, Lainey stops attacking me with her sexy mouth and stares at me as if I’ve just rocked her world as much as she’s rocked mine.

“That woman walked away ages ago, Lainey,” Cass says, clearly unimpressed with our public display of affection.

Lainey looks pleased with herself after hearing this, and I’d probably be laughing at just how cute she is right now if she didn’t have my engine so revved. I want to get out of here and finish what Lainey started. The temptation to pull her onto my lap and find out exactly what she’s wearing beneath her skirt is nearly too much to resist.

“Were we that bad?” Cass asks Duncan. “Did we forget about everything else when we were making out?”

Duncan just grins. “Babe, I still forget everything else when your lips are on mine.”

Cass looks like she just melted on the spot as Duncan reaches for her and starts making out with her. I look at Lainey, and she’s smiling at me.

“What is it?” I ask.

“If you can’t beat them, join them.”

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