Page 76 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“Have I ever told you,” Cole asked, looking down at me.

“Yes?” I pressed.

“That I love you?” he finished.

Slowly, an even bigger smile spread across my face.

“No, you haven’t actually said those words to me yet,” I told him. “I’ve told you several times, and I hope you can tell by the way I treat you that I mean it.”

“I have often thought that you tell me you love me through your actions every day even when you aren’t saying it. I hope I do the same with you with my own actions, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t want me to say it. I’ll have you know that I don’t use those words lightly, either. I have had entire relationships and never once told the woman I loved her.”

“But you love me?” I asked.

“I do,” he said, kissing my nose. “I love you more than anything. And just being here with you right now makes me the luckiest man in the world. Nothing can change my mind about that.”

“Have I ever told you that I love you, too?” I asked.

“All the time,” he said.

“As long as you know,” I told him, looking up so our mouths met once more.

We laid in each other’s arms, kissing and holding each other for a long time. It didn’t matter how long we spent there. We didn’t have anything else to do with our day. I had intentionally kept my schedule clear so I would be able to go to the doctor with him, and since we had gotten home earlier than I expected, we had even more time to just lay and bask in our love for each other.

My heart fluttered in my chest, and I was sure I had never been happier. This man, the man I had fallen for months ago, this man who I had spent so much of my time thinking about and worrying over, helping when I could and giving space when he needed it – this man who was my everything in life – just told me that he loved me.

I knew how special that was to him.

I knew he didn’t just say those things to make someone happy. He wasn’t going to play with my heart. He’d already proven that he cared more about my happiness than his own, even willing to break up with me out of fear he was going to hold me back in some way.

But, love was stronger than the doubts that came in life, and I was able to show him through my actions that we really were meant to be together. I knew it wasn’t always going to be easy, but as I lay naked in his arms, I didn’t care. This man loved me, and I loved him in return. We had already been through hell. I knew without a doubt we could be through even more and survive.

As long as he and I had each other, I knew we would be okay.

It wasn’t always going to be a bed of roses, but that was okay, too.

There was no denying life was hard. I knew that. But, that didn’t mean that we couldn’t enjoy it. It didn’t mean that we couldn’t go at it together. It just meant that we had even more reason to lean on each other through our journeys.

And as long as I had Cole to lean on, I knew I would be okay.

I had been his rock through this, but he was my rock all the time. I was safe with him. I could give him my heart and not worry about what he would do with it. I was finally with the person who really loved me for me.

And I looked forward to spending the rest of our lives together.

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