Page 64 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“It’s not about you, it’s just, I’ve got so much going on in my life right now. I can’t date someone. We had fun, and thank you, really. I didn’t want to do this over the phone. I know you deserved more than that. But I also know this is for the best, so please respect my wishes,” he said.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

“There’s nothing more to say,” he replied with a shake of his head.

With that, he turned and headed back toward his truck, leaving me dumbfounded on the bench. He didn’t even take the time to sit next to me as we talked, and he wasn’t staying to discuss it further. Of course there was more to say. He could tell my why he felt this way. He could tell me what was really going on. He could give me something to go on besides it wasn’t working.

It wasn’t fair for him to just drop by and break my heart. But then, what was I expecting? It wasn’t as though we had a real relationship happening, did we? We had sex a few times, we were starting to catch feelings for each other, and that was really all there was to it. He wasn’t my boyfriend. He never agreed to be my boyfriend.

What did I think was going to happen?

Isn’t this what most women did? They went out with a guy for a while, had sex, then moved on to someone else? I didn’t know, and my racing thoughts weren’t helping the matter any. Harper was still with the guy she had given her virginity to, and I hadn’t thought about what would happen if I didn’t stay with Cole.

But, he didn’t stop or look back. He got in his truck, started the engine, and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving me sitting right where I had been when he pulled up in the first place. I was so dumbfounded I couldn’t think of a thing to do.

All I knew was that I had my heart shattered into a billion pieces, and I couldn’t think straight. All the hopes and dreams I had let myself fantasize over just came crumbling down in one instant, and there was no taking it back. I couldn’t force Cole to do anything, and I didn’t want him to be with me out of obligation.

But still, that didn’t change the fact I was certain he was making a mistake. I didn’t know how to convince him of that, or what had happened that made him feel this way now. All I knew was that he was driving away, and it was likely the last I would see him.

I never went up north that far, and if he was breaking up with me, then I doubted he would want to come back and see how Romeo was doing. This really was the end of the road for us, and all at once, I found myself officially back to being single. It was devastating, and I was sure I couldn’t breathe.

I was drowning in my own emotions, too upset to cry. Too hurt to breathe.

Too shocked to react.

What the hell just happened?

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