Page 48 of Cowboy's Virgin

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I laughed at the joke but shook my head. “I don’t think that would go over very well, and I’m certain she wouldn’t get the joke. Still, I can’t believe what you do to me. I’ve never even considered something could be this good with someone, and let me tell you something, I hope we do this over and over again.”

“I’m here as long as you want me,” Cole said.

I almost told him I wanted him forever, but I held that back. I still wasn’t sure we were on the same page with a relationship, and I was going to wait until the right time to bring it up. But, it felt good knowing that he felt comfortable with me, that he wanted to do this with me again. That he wasn’t hung up on the complicated parts of what we were doing.

We both put our clothes back on, and I smoothed mine to make it appear as though I wasn’t just having sex with one of the people working here out in the barn. It was time to get the animals fed and start the day, though I already knew with starting the day like this, we were on the right track.

I rarely had the time to give myself an orgasm in the morning, so this was an especially rare treat for me, and it put me in the best headspace I had been in for quite some time, and I was okay with that. I wouldn’t be opposed to going another round, but with how late it was getting, I knew we had to get to work.

Soon enough, other employees were going to start coming in, and I didn’t want them to ask any questions. Perhaps they wouldn’t. Perhaps they would assume that we were both just running late. But, I didn’t want to risk it. I was doing so well with this job, and I wanted to keep moving forward.

It was great with Cole here, and I was glad we still had another week together.

I didn’t want to think about what was going to happen to us when he did leave, and every time that thought popped into my head, I shoved it right back out.

I wanted to be happy with what was going on between us and not worry about anything, but I had a hard time keeping my thoughts under control. I got right to feeding the horses alongside Cole, and we talked of pretty much anything but our relationship or the fact we were having sex.

I didn’t know if I should leave it that way, or if I should try to have him talk about what he thought of us being a couple. Ultimately, I wanted him to be the one to ask me to be his girlfriend, and it still might be too early for that. I didn’t know. It had been so long since I had dated anyone, and this was the first time in my life I started having sex.

There was a lot for me to learn, I knew this, and I was eager.

I just hoped Cole would be the one to teach me.

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