Page 39 of Cowboy's Virgin

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I wason top of the world all of Saturday, and the glow continued on into Sunday morning.

I was so over the moon with happiness, I couldn’t think of a thing to do with myself besides text Wrenley and see what she was up to. I had to talk to someone about what happened, and she was the only one I could think to tell. Not that Harper wasn’t on the list of people I wanted to talk to about it, but I didn’t want Harper to feel like I had gone and lost my virginity because she had recently done the same thing.

It wasn’t a competition, and I had been very honest with Harper about wondering if she had found the right person to sleep with for the first time. I now understood how she could tell me with confidence that she felt she had made a good decision, and I prepared myself for the same kind of conversation with Wrenley.

I hadn’t really mentioned Cole to her lately. We’d talked about him that bit when we were at the bar together, but I didn’t tell her what happened that caused Cole to step in, or the fact that I had him over for drinks and dinner on a couple of occasions. I knew she wasn’t one of the biggest fans of Cole, so I didn’t want her to remind me to be careful with my relationship toward him.

Today, however, I hoped to change her mind.

And make some progress.

Wrenley got right back to me after I texted, and we agreed to grab a cup of coffee before going out shopping. It had been so long since the two of us had a day like that, and I was glad for the chance to go out and just have fun. Not that I was going to buy much with the market in the City, but it was still fun to walk around and go into the various stores.

Wrenley, for her own part, loved to shop. Her budget was much bigger than mine considering how much work she did at the hospital, so it wasn’t at all unusual for her to treat me to things on our mornings out, or to simply bring me along to help her pick out something new to add to her closet.

Being close to the same size as we were, we often swapped clothing, and I was fine with that. Wrenley had similar taste to my own, so it didn’t matter what she bought. It would inevitably be something I would wear at some point, I was sure of it.

Today, however, was more about the conversation I wanted to have with her than the clothing she was shopping for. Or even the coffee I was going to treat her to, for that matter. I just wanted to talk about what was going on with Cole and get her opinion on my change of heart.

She was a good person to talk to to get the kind of perspective on a situation I was looking for, especially when it came to things like this. I was going into the conversation with an open mind, however, because I knew she was likely not going to be in love with the situation.

I waited until we had our coffee in hand and were at the store before I brought it up to her. And even then, I was careful with my words. I didn’t want her to jump on me for doing what I did. After all, she knew how important it was to me – and to the rest of the girls – to keep the pact we’d made with each other. And with that in mind, I wanted to present this to her in a way that would at least make her think about how I was feeling toward Cole.

“I had him over for dinner the other night,” I told her after casually bringing up his name during our conversation.

“Oh? And how did that go?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “I can’t imagine spending any more time with the guy than I absolutely had to. If he ever comes back into the ER for anything, I’m ducking into the back and letting someone else deal with his ass.”

“You know, after you get to know him a little bit better, he’s not really as big of an asshole as he comes off at first,” I said.

She gave me a look that was the perfect mix between surprised and quizzical, so I continued.

“I think he’s just straightforward and strong-willed. Those two things combined make him come off as a major ass, and when he’s stubborn on top of it, I can see how it would be an issue trying to get him to do something he didn’t want to do. But, when you get to know him a little more and actually talk to him about how and why he does things, you might be surprised to find he’s pretty sweet.”

“I don’t know about that,” she said. “When I had to deal with him in the hospital, I can tell you he was anything but sweet.”

“Okay, that’s fair,” I said. “But like, I really like him. A lot.”

“Oh?” She looked at me in surprise. “I thought the two of you butted heads over, like, everything.”

“For the most part, sure,” I admitted. “But that has to do more with the fact that we both like to be the one calling the shots, and when someone is telling us to do things another way, we just don’t like it. I guess you could say that it’s a personality type.”

“Sure,” she said. “Okay, so I guess I can try to get used to the idea. Are you dating him?”

“Well, not really,” I admitted. “We’re more getting to know each other. But, like, we went all the way the other night, and, well, I’m pretty excited about it.”

“Wait, what?” Wrenley looked at me with wide eyes. “You had sex?”

“Yes,” I said with a mischievous smile. “I don’t know, but there’s this connection I feel with him I just haven’t experienced before with anyone else. It wasn’t that I set out to have sex with him when he started working for me, but then it’s like, when I got to know him more, I just felt like it was what I wanted to do.”

“What about now? How do you feel now?” Wrenley asked. “Are you glad you did it?”

“Yes,” I said with a nod. “I don’t have any regrets at all.”

“Are you going to sleep with him again?” she asked, and my cheeks flushed a bright red. I hadn’t really thought about when we were going to do it again, but I felt like it was definitely something in the works. We had gotten along too well for it to just have been a one-time thing, and I wasn’t upset by that. Not in the slightest.

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