Page 34 of Cowboy's Virgin

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It felt good to feel so connected to someone else, so when she told me she wanted to finish the bottle of wine and talk in the living room after dinner, I was more than happy to oblige.

“I don’t want to keep you if you have to get back home,” she said. “I know you’ve got a couple hours to drive back, and that’s going to make it pretty late already.”

“Don’t worry about me,” I said. “I’m used to commuting long distances. The drive really doesn’t bother me. Just need a cup of coffee on my way out of town, and I’m right as rain.”

“I’m not sure I like the sound of that, but I’m not going to tell you what to do with your own time,” she said. “I only boss you around when it comes to the horses.”

“And whether I can kiss you,” I teased.

She blushed, then looked down at the glass of wine in her hand. She swirled it for a second, then she looked back at me.

“I guess I really should explain why I reacted the way I did the other day when you tried to kiss me,” she said.

“Don’t worry about that,” I told her. “I was just teasing you. You don’t need me to be the one to tell you that you can tell someone no whenever you want and that’s just the way it is.”

“True, but I still feel like I owe you an explanation for that. After all, it isn’t like you acted out of the blue. I had been giving you signals because, well, like I said, I’m attracted to you,” she said.

“Alright, if you want to, I’ll listen, but you don’t owe me shit,” I told her.

“When I was a younger, I had a friend group of great girls. To make a long story short, we all made a pact with each other that we were going to stay a virgin until we were absolutely sure we were ready with the right guy.” She paused, and I looked at her in surprise.

I couldn’t help it. I hadn’t formed any real opinions about her, but hearing she was a virgin certainly did catch me off guard. I had braced myself for a lot of different things she might tell me, but I hadn’t considered she was a virgin.

“So the other day when you were over here, I knew if I kissed you, I wasn’t going to stop. And I wasn’t sure then if I was ready,” she said. “But now I do.”

I wracked my brain for something to say. I was shocked with what she was telling me right now, and though I willed myself to say something – anything – that would make sense, nothing was coming to mind. Finally, the first thing that actually seemed to make sense formed in the back of my brain, and my mouth spat it out before I had the chance to even think.

“I had no idea,” I said.

She giggled. “Of course you didn’t. But that’s why I didn’t want you to think that you had done anything wrong. It wasn’t anything you did that made me stop you, it was the fact that I wanted to give more thought to what happened and what I wanted before I invited you over again.”

She slid toward me on the couch, leaning toward me with a sweet, sultry look in her eyes. She smiled at me with an inviting twist of her lips, closing her eyes as she kissed me.

I felt a fire between us smolder with the kiss, and my dick responded.

“I want you,” Raya whispered. “But you have to be gentle.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I’ve thought about it an entire week. I’m sure,” she said with a small grin.

“I’ll be gentle,” I promised, kissing her on the fingers. I went back to kissing her perfect mouth, feeling her body shudder as she leaned against me more. It excited me feeling her anticipation, the need in her to have me. It wouldn’t be the easiest with this cast on my leg, but I was willing to work around it. As long as Raya didn’t mind, and she didn’t seem to.

“This would be better in my room,” she said, her tone low, her voice full of need.

“Show me where,” I said, letting her rise from the couch and take my hand, leading me with her down the short hallway leading back to the bedroom. I followed her, letting her be the one to take control, letting her be the one to call the shots.

This was the first time she’d ever experienced having sex with anyone, and I wanted it to be incredible for her. I knew this was something that was incredibly significant in her life, and it made me feel like a knight in shining armor to be the one whom she chose to do this with.

I already thought Raya was the most incredible woman I’d ever met, and the more I spoke with her, the more I felt that way. She just got me in ways no one else ever had, and I couldn’t get enough of being with her. The thoughts rushed through my mind at a mile a minute, and I could barely keep up with any of them.

Then, once we were in her bedroom, it was as though all the thoughts I had running through my mind just stopped, and it was just me and Raya. The only two people in the whole world.

Right now it was just about the two of us. It was about doing what we wanted to do with each other and not worrying about the rest. She was clear that she wanted this; I wanted this, too. It was a spur of the moment decision for me, but I was okay with that. I knew what I wanted in life, and someone like Raya fit the bill perfectly.

Everything about her was perfect, right down to the feel of her lips against mine as she unclasped my belt and unzipped my jeans. I was rock hard and ready for her, and I wanted her.

God, how I wanted her.

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