Page 26 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“Not so close to the night life?” I asked her.

“I think I’m changing my ways there, too,” she said with a shake of her head. “I mean, I love going out on the town, but I’ve got so much going on right now, I can’t say I can justify living so close to downtown and spending what I did in rent. Not to mention the fact I’m just enjoying spending my time out here these days. I still love the city, but as far as being that much apart of it like I was, I’m not sure I’m going to keep that up anymore,” she said.

I looked at her in surprise. There was something about her that struck me as the kind of girl who wanted to be out on the town. But, people did change, and she had every right to change what she wanted to do with her time as anyone else. I couldn’t argue with her, anyway. I liked being with horses better than people, and there was a reason I lived a couple hours outside the City. I didn’t want to be around that many people all the time. I wanted to be out in the quiet.

Out under the wide open sky.

While there was a small voice inside me that told me it might not be a good idea to go over to her place, I couldn’t help but notice the change that had happened overnight. We were actually talking to each other in a civil way, not arguing or bickering about what I was doing or what she thought should be done.

She hadn’t said a word about how I was feeding the horses, which came as a surprise as she had chimed in and told me how to do everything else her way. Maybe seeing the way I was able to handle the drunk guy at the bar showed her that I wasn’t some arrogant jackass.

Whatever the reason, I didn’t let my small voice talk me out of the invitation. If the two of us were able to be civil to each other, I really wanted to get to know her better. She was smart, sexy, and had the same work drive I myself had. It was a combination I’d never found in a woman before, and I didn’t want to let her slip through my fingers without at least getting to know the kind of person she was first.

Of course, I was going to maintain our professional working relationship even while I was at her place. I could do that, even with a few beers in me. So, I agreed.

“Text me the address,” I told her. “And once I’m cleaned up, I’ll head that way.”

A smile spread across her face, and she looked even more beautiful. I tried not to react visibly, but I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of her.

“Sounds good,” she said. “I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

“See you then,” I told her.

But, I stayed turned between her and the stable as I bent forward to scoop more hay for the horses. I was able to watch her walking away from me, and I let my eyes linger on her curves as she did. She was hot as hell, and I couldn’t get enough.

If we could manage to be polite to each other moving forward, things could be a lot different around here, and I had a feeling that would be ideal for both of us.

I was already looking forward to the beers at her place. There had to be a reason she was asking me to come over, and I looked forward to finding out what it was.

She’d already thanked me, after all. What else was there to say?

I wasn’t sure. But I would find out.

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