Page 24 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“I said to leave me alone!” I snapped at him, taking a step back and looking around for any help. Everyone in the bar was either too engrossed in their own conversations, or just didn’t care enough about my plight to get involved. “Or I’ll scream.”

“Is there a problem over here?” another voice cut into the conversation, and I had to admit, there was a massive rush of relief that ran through me at the sight of Cole standing just to the left of my table. I hadn’t seen him come over, so he surprised both of us with his presence. But, I was glad he was there. Unlike my intrusive companion, who immediately puffed out his chest and took a step toward Cole.

I hoped they weren’t going to get into a fist fight in the middle of the bar. I didn’t want Cole to get in any kind of trouble, especially over me. He was an asshole, sure, but that didn’t mean he deserved to get in trouble because he was doing something for my honor. But, I also didn’t care what he had to do to get that guy away from me. If he wanted to get into a fight with him to prove he was the bigger man, then I was fine with that.

Just so long as I could go home and this creep would leave me be.

“Who are you?” the stranger demanded.

“I’m the guy who makes sure men like you don’t creep on women who are trying to have a good time,” Cole replied. “So, if you don’t mind, the lady asked you to leave her alone, and you best do it, or there’s going to be a problem between you and me. You don’t want that, do you?”

“Fuck off and get out of here before I make you wish you hadn’t gotten involved,” the man said. My heart sank as I realized it wasn’t going to be that easy getting rid of him. But, Cole surprised me with yet another protective move.

“Go on out of here, honey, I’ve got this under control. I’ll see you Monday, yes?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said with a nod. “See you Monday.”

I wanted to say thanks to him right then, but instead decided to save it. I didn’t want to give this guy any more of my time, and if Cole was taking over, I could make my escape. I gave him a grateful look as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, heading for the door as quickly as I could.

“Gone so soon?” the man asked, but Cole quickly snapped at him. I didn’t hear what Cole said specifically, but I didn’t need to, either. The important thing was that the guy got the message, and I wasn’t going to stick around and see if he did.

I’d hear about it on Monday, I was sure about that.

I heard a heated argument ensuing before the door closed entirely, and I breathed a sigh of relief. As pissed off as I had been when Cole walked through the door of the bar initially, I was grateful now that he took over.

I made a mental note to thank him when I saw him on Monday.

For now, however, I had to get outside and call an Uber. I was so angry, I was shaking.

But I was glad Cole stepped in.

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