Page 20 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“No, you have to tell me,” I insisted. “What’s interesting?”

“Just that you work with this new guy for a week, and next thing I know, you don’t want to party like you used to. Seems like more than a coincidence to me,” she said.

“Oh, stop it,” I told her. “It’s got nothing to do with him. But I do have a lot to tell you about him, so you better get here quick.”

“I’m on my way!” she said.

An hour later, the two of us were at the bar. We both had our drinks in front of us, and I explained how things had gone with Cole all week.

“It’s like he doesn’t want me to tell him anything about how to do things. I don’t doubt he knows what to do, but they’re our horses. I want them to learn things a certain way, and if he comes in with some new method, how are we going to take their training further?”

“That’s fair,” she said. “But are you seeing the improvements with Romeo?”

“Yes. I have much higher hopes now that I’m going to use him in actual therapy, and not just as a companion to the horses that are doing the work. There were a few days in there before Cole came that left me wondering if we were going to even be able to keep Romeo on the site with how aggressive he was, but that’s all but vanished with the little he’s been worked with already,” I explained.

“That’s awesome. So, have you made a move?” she asked.

My face went pink.

“What?” I asked, trying not to show how flustered I was. She saw right through me, however, and only giggled.

“You know, have you made a move? I saw him while he was in here, and I’m not going to deny he’s a hottie. He’s a real asshole, but still. A hot one,” she said.

I laughed. “Okay, I’ll give you that. I thought we were making strides in our working relationship, but it seems for as good as some things go between us, there’s another thing that comes up that makes him flip back into jerk mode, and that drives me insane, not going to lie.”

“I bet it does. Especially when you are the one paying him to work with your own horses,” Wrenley said. “I would be so mad if I hired someone to do something for me, and they came in and tried to do it all their own way. Not that my line of work allows for that to happen, but still.”

“Right?” I said, feeling incredibly justified in my feelings about the situation. “I want to tell him that I’m the boss, but I’m not sure how he’d take that. But, on the other hand, aren’t I?”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about proclaiming it,” Wrenley said. “You know you’re the boss, and if he doesn’t, well, there’s not much you can do about that, you know? He’s going to fight with you along the way, and all you can do is keep calling the shots and letting him know how things are going to be.”

I sighed. I knew she was right. If I were to announce it to him it wasn’t like he was going to just change his attitude. I could sense there was far too much attitude in him for that to happen.

I was just going to have to take this one day at a time, stand my ground, and hope for the best outcome possible. I didn’t know how long it would take, but I hoped a couple more weeks would do it. At least to get him down to the point where I would be able to spend some time with him myself without worry he was going to do something that could hurt me.

It was just a matter of making sure Cole knew I was the one in charge.

The door opened behind me, and as the cool air rushed in, we both turned to see who was coming into the bar. It was instinctual, really, as we usually sat closer to the doors, but my heart dropped as soon as I saw the two men walking through the door.

I didn’t know one of them, but the other was Cole.

And I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him anymore this week.

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