Page 7 of Forbidden Fruit

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Page 7 of Forbidden Fruit

“I guess around six. I’m ‘bout to wash my car, then I’ma go change.”

“A’ight, Drek.”

I ended the call, then cranked up Dave East’sKarma 2mixtape. That nigga went hard on this shit. As I washed my car, Vashti kept entering my mind. Hopefully, there would be some females at the bowling alley tonight. The best way to get her off my mind was to put somebody else on it. I didn’t even know lil mama, but damn. I guess I had to just chop it up as some good pussy and move on.

* * *

To say it was Sunday,Crossroads was lit as fuck. There was usually a crowd, but it looked like a Saturday night in this bitch. I went to the desk to see if there were any lanes available, and there were two left. As I was snatching one up, Zay walked through the door with his brother, Cato. “What’s up?” Zay said.

I gave him and Cato head nods, then slapped their hands. After getting my shoes, I stood to the side until they got theirs. As I leaned against the counter, the person I saw walk in had me all in my shit again. Vashti walked in with some nigga. She had cornrows in her hair with some big ass hoops in her ears. My eyes traveled down her body in that tight ass, strapless, gray romper. Zay stood next to me after getting his shoes. “Damn. She fine as fuck. You know her?”

“Yeah, somethin’ like that.”

“Oh shit, y’all fucked?” he whispered.

My gaze went to her legs, and I licked my lips. That shit she had on was so tight, I could see the imprint of her pussy. Why would she wear some shit like that? Before I could turn away, her eyes met mine, and she immediately looked uncomfortable. I looked away and went to our lane as Zay slapped my arm. “What the fuck up, Drek?”

“Nothing dude. I’m straight.”

“Whatever, nigga. I’m ‘bout to whoop yo’ ass as always,” he said as Cato joined us.

“Cato, what’chu been up to?”

“Nothing, just work.”

“I hear that,” I said as Vashti and her nigga got the lane right next to us.

This was some bullshit. I did notice she’d put on a long shirt-looking jacket. That was better. After lacing up my shoes, I heard, “What’s up, Drek?”

No she didn’t have the nerve to speak to me. I looked up at her and frowned. “Do I know you?”

Yeah, I was being petty as fuck, but oh well. She turned her lip up and nodded her head. Her feelings were hurt, and she couldn’t hide that shit if she tried. Now she knew how I felt. She sat on that nigga’s lap and let him help her put her shoes on. I rolled my eyes, then sat at the computer to get our game started.

Once that was done, I took my ball out my bag, and threw that shit down the lane, hitting a strike on the first bowl. That shitneverhappened. I heard Zay say, “What the fuck? Nigga, you came ready to compete, huh?”

“Shut the fuck up, Zay.”

I flopped in the chair and tried to get my head right. She had me all fucked up. After I bowled again, hitting another strike, I went to the restroom. When I came out, I almost ran into Vashti. “Excuse me.”


I turned to look at her, but she didn’t say anything else. She just stood there staring at me, longing in her eyes. This chick was crazy. Since she wasn’t talking, I walked away. When I got back to our lane, her nigga was sitting in my chair. I wasn’t up for this bullshit tonight. Zay was standing near him talking. As I got closer, he stood and stepped to the side. “What’s up with you and Vashti?”

I frowned at him and said, “Nothing. I don’t even know her.”

“I can’t tell. She staring at’chu like y’all fucking.”

I rolled my eyes. “That don’t mean we know each other.”

“So, y’all did fuck.”

“Nigga, I don’t know you. So, I suggest you get the fuck outta my space.”

Zay stood between us as Vashti walked up, panic on her beautiful face. “Benji, what’chu doin’?”

“Tryna find out why you can’t keep your eyes off this nigga.”

I grabbed my bowling ball and put it in my bag while Zay watched me. “I’m out, Zay. I’ll hit chu up later.”

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