Page 15 of Forbidden Fruit

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Page 15 of Forbidden Fruit

“Me.” A guy with beautiful mocha-colored skin and bright green eyes stood from one of the chairs. He was tall and lanky, and vaguely reminded me of Bruno Mars. He was wearing a gray loose-knit beanie I kind of wanted to steal. “I’m Jacob. I go to college at Shepherd. I’m a Gemini. I’m allergic toGame of Thrones, because I can’t keep track of everyone who dies on the show. If you talk shit aboutDoctor Who, we cannot be friends, and I still want a goddamn pony and no one will let me buy one.”

Teresa, who was sitting in one of the plastic chairs, ran her hand through her mane of dark hair. She looked stunning, as usual, a modern-day Snow White. “You’re the only grown person who wants a pony.”

“I kind of want a llama,” I said.

Reece looked down at me, lips pursed thoughtfully, as if he was rethinking the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing.

“Why would you want a llama?” Calla sounded genuinely curious.

I shrugged. “Who wouldn’t want a llama?”

“Um ...” Avery wrinkled her nose. “Don’t they spit?”

Jacob shushed her and then grinned at me. “I think we’re going to be great friends. We could take our pony and llama on playdates. Oh! Ollie could totally fashion leashes for them. I want one with Swarovski crystals.”

Another man I hadn’t met before groaned from where he stood. “That is not going to happen.”

Jacob then shushed him. “Mr. Dream Crusher, also known as Marcus, is my boyfriend. He doesn’t understand the need for an obscenely large four-legged friend.”

I grinned at what had to be the greatest introduction of all time.

Marcus was equally handsome, even more so, and nicely tanned. “Out of college,” he said, standing and offering a hand to Reece and then me. “I don’t know any of these people.”

“That’s probably a good thing,” Jacob said. “Half of them are insane.”

“Hey!” shouted Teresa from her seat. “We’re not insane. We are eccentric.”

“Speaking of insane”—Katie returned to our huddle, holding a bottle of Corona—“have you thought anymore about trying out that pole?”

Jacob choked on the beer he was drinking and turned sideways quickly, waving a hand in front of his face. Before he could say anything, Jase’s head swiveled around so fast I thought it might spin right off. “What?” he demanded.

Teresa grinned as she bit down on her lip. “Nothing, honey.”

“No. Seriously. That’s not a ‘nothing.’ I don’t ever want to hear my sister’s name and the wordpolein the same sentence that involves dancing.” Cam glanced at Katie, wielding a slotted spatula, causing Jacob to sidestep a spittle of grease. “No offense.”

She shrugged a shoulder. “None taken. Only the few and the proud can handle it.”

I scrunched my nose. “Isn’t that the Marines’ motto?”

“Yes,” sighed Reece.

Jase eyed his girlfriend and then shook his head. Giggling, Teresa rose from her seat and went to his side. Stretching up, she clasped his cheeks and whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was turned the frown upside down. She returned to the seat, cheeks flushed.

Before I could do anything, Reece dipped his head and kissed my cheek and then wandered off to where all the boys were converged around the grill.

“Sit.” Teresa patted the chair next to her. “Sit down, girl who’s dating a hot cop.”

My heart did a happy little twirl at that as I sat next to her. Calla and Avery joined in while Katie remained standing, nursing her beer. “Cops are hot,” she said, eyes squinting. “Well, any guy in a uniform is hot. Wait. Not any uniform, but you get what I’m saying.”

I had to agree with her.

“Have you heard anything more about the stalker?” Avery asked in a quiet voice.

Calla leaned forward, expression serious. “Your place was broken into, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, last weekend, but nothing else has happened since then. I know Reece’s friend is coming out on Monday or Tuesday after he gets off to go ahead and wire the place, so hopefully that helps.”

“That’s so frightening,” Avery said, shaking her head. “Yeah, I know that makes me Captain Obvious, but God, that’s just crazy. I’m glad you’re staying with Reece.”

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