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“Lucas, stop! You’re drunk. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” I bellow. “What’s wrong with you? You’re my wife and you’re out drinking with some guy.”

“Oh, now I’m your wife? Tell me, did you think of your ‘wife’ while you were busy sticking your dick in some other woman? Six months Lucas, six months you were cheating on me. Or is it Luke?” Her words are a slap to the face, beating the anger down until she sneers the nickname. My anger roars back to life, and it needs a target. Lucky for me there’s one standing right there, ready and willing.

I step around Alexis and take a step forward, but arms wrap around me from behind, halting my forward momentum.

“Lucas, that’s fucking enough. It’s time to go home.”

“Get your hands off me,” I growl, struggling to escape Eric’s hold, but he’s holding tight.

That asshole steps up and pulls Alexis back, away from my struggling body. I see red, intensifying my struggles.

“No, bud. This is not you. This is the booze talking. If you do something stupid, you’ll regret it in the morning.”

I’ll regret fucking nothing. “Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Her,” I grunt while trying to loosen Eric’s hold, but he’s like an octopus, arms everywhere.

“Lucas, please. I’m begging you, stop.” Alexis’ voice wobbles, and my attention snaps to her. Fuck me…tears are running down her cheeks. I slump in Eric’s arms like a deflated balloon, the fight draining out of me.

“Baby, please don’t go home with him.” I can feel the wetness on my cheeks, but I don’t care. I have no pride left. For her, I’ll beg, crawl on my knees if she wants me to.

“It’s over, Lucas.” Her voice is soft, but I still hear every word. “I filed for divorce today. It’s over.”

My body is unresisting when Eric drags me to his car. It’s unresisting when he pushes me inside and drives off. I crane my head back, keeping my eyes on her for as long as I can, and the last thing I see is his arms wrapping around her before distance swallows them up.
