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Lillian’s chuckle is anything but humorous. “No, it’s not a threat.” She steps closer again and pokes her chest. “It’s a fucking promise, and I fucking dare you to try me.”

Damn, my sister is epic. I could watch her throw down for hours. But right now, I’ve had enough. I don’t want to waste even a second more of my time on the home wrecker. And I know if Monica doesn’t back down, it might lead to some serious assault charges laid against Lillian.

“Come on, Lill. She’s not worth it.” I grab her arm and pull her back before turning a glare on Monica. “If I have to tell you to leave once more, I’m calling the police and reporting you for trespassing.”

“You can’t do that. This is a public place,” she scoffs.

“No, this is my store and it’s private property. So I won’t tell you again. Leave.”

“Actually, don’t leave,” Lillian mutters, pulling her phone out of her bag. “I know this detective down at the police station. I even have his private number. Let me give him a quick call to come over.” Her fingers are furiously tapping away at her phone, but I can see the glint in her eyes.

Monica straightens, but when Lillian brings the phone to her ear, she huffs and storms out.

Shaking my head, I turn to Lillian. “Do you really know a detective?”

“Of course. Met him a couple of months ago.” She gets this dreamy look in her eyes. “Italian. Tall, dark, hung like a stallion.”

“I give up on you.”

I walk over to the coffee table and straighten the already straight bridal magazines.

“She’s really pretty,” I mutter, resentment burning like acid in my veins. She’s voluptuous, with curves in all the right places, while I have more of an athletic build. She has what people would call pillowy lips, and that, combined with her artfully curled blond hair and blue eyes, makes her the type of woman that makes men look twice. It sickens me, but I guess I can see what attracted Lucas to her.

“Don’t. Don’t you dare compare yourself to her.” Lillian steps closer to me, grabbing my hand, her voice fierce.

“That’s easy for you to say, but my husband’s been fucking her. How can I not? Why did he go to another woman? What does she have that I don’t?” It hurts to think these things, to admit that my self-confidence has been destroyed.

“I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “This is so incomprehensible to me. I would have bet everything I own on Lucas never doing something like this.”

I know that she’s also struggling with this. She loves him too, so I’m not the only one that feels betrayed. “But what I do know is that it’s not because you’re lacking in any way. You’ve been a good wife and mother. You own a successful business. You’re sexy as hell—I’ve seen how men look at you. Lucas won the jackpot when you agreed to marry him.”

“Liar,” I snort. I appreciate what she’s trying to do, but I won’t stand for her downplaying herself for my sake. “When we’re together, it’s you men are looking at.”

“No. Not always.” She disagrees. “You just never notice because Lucas is all that you see.”

“And look where that’s got me. Do you think I should have looked more? Did I make it too easy for him?”

“I want to kill him for making you feel this way,” she mutters. “Don’t bring yourself down to that woman’s level. She doesn’t have a decent or kind bone in her body. She feels threatened by you, and that’s why she came in here like a raccoon in a dumpster, yelling at you to get away from her garbage.”

My mouth drops open. “Did you just call Lucas garbage?”

She mutters softly, “I never thought I’d have to,” she mutters softly, the things she doesn’t want to say in the set of her shoulders as she turns around and walks away.


I jump when the passenger door opens.

“What are we doing?” Lillian asks, slouching down next to me.

“Fuck, you nearly gave me a heart attack,” I whisper breathlessly, putting my hand over my racing heart.

“Why are you skulking around in your car at the end of the road?”

“I’m spying.”

“On who? And why are you whispering?” She cranes her neck, peering out the window.

