Page 54 of Demon Valley Marked

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“No one will be stupid enough to try and kill me.” She paused to give me a darkened look. “Especially your desperate father. He may have killed that other Time Keeper, but the consequences he’s dealing with now will make it a bit more tedious to try me.”

“What about if Travis tries to reveal your secret?”

“He can go ahead. Are they really going to believe him with his con artist reputation? Besides, I have that whole pack wrapped around my finger and that’s a lot of power to carry. Travis isn’t that stupid unless he’s on a time limit to find his Coven.”

“Right. He wants Lexianne to create him an heir.”

“He clearly didn’t do his research if that’s what he wants,” she countered but stared at me for a long moment. “What bargain are you struggling to offer me?”

That actually made me smile instead of making me feel like I was too easy to read.

“Can I ask you something else first?”


“Does Lexianne still want children?”

She looked at me for at least thirty seconds before her eyes drifted to my floating mate who was still in deep slumber.

“She does,” she responded. “Not now, obviously. Too much fear and uncertainty. She can see herself having a family with you as her rekindled mate. Her concern lies around the world and how she can contribute to the shift that needs to occur to change the crash course our ecosystem is heading toward. Regardless, I can see she was destined to be a mother.”

Her smile made her whole expression beam with joy as she returned her gaze to me.

“Just like how you’re more than worthy of being a father.”

The idea of me being a father made me feel a bit weird, but it also made it easier to make the decision that was wishing to be finalized in my head.

“I want her to be able to have children,” I voiced clearly. “However, it has to be because she wants to be a mother. Nothing outside those circumstances.”

“Even if it's with someone other than yourself?” she inquired. I knew what she was trying to do, but I ignored it.

“Even if it's someone else. As long as it's Lexianne’s decision as the Ruler of Demon Valley.”

“One of the Rulers of Demon Valley,” she corrected but bobbed her head.

She was quiet for a moment, and when her eyes opened, they were pure black.

“What will you give in return to give Lexianne Monarch the ability to conceive on the conditions that the decision to give birth is hers, and hers alone, without any external or internal manipulation involved?”

I didn’t speak my mental resolve, knowing she knew exactly what I was sacrificing.

“You say you don’t show enough compassion for your mate to see the love you carry for her, and yet you make bargains like these,” she muttered and clapped her hands together. “A smart decision that can be granted.”

Gusts of wind passed by us, as if sealing the deal as she opened her eyes that were back to normal.

“The bargain has been accepted. To activate it, you’ll have to be intimate. I’m sure there’s no problem in that department. You’re simply waiting for the right opportunity to have physical intimacy, correct?”

“Yes.” I bet it was obvious that I could do whatever I sexually craved in Lexianne’s dreams—with her permission.

“Then after that night, you can present her with the news. It’ll be best to tell her instead of her trying to figure it out,” she concluded and spun around. She didn’t leave yet, and how it reminded me of Wallas whenever he had one more thing to advise me.

“You have something else to say,” I noted.

“You compare yourself to your father and Baker in the realms of trickery, and yet you did something completely uncalled for with that exchange.”

I bet my demon and wolf would be pleased with what I’d agreed upon.

“After all the time you’ve spent advising me when you didn’t need to, it's only fair I put that advice to good use by doing something that resonates with the real me, don’t you think?”
