Page 52 of Demon Valley Marked

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“The lagoon wishes to empower her further with its energy. The valley can sense her true intentions, those who have a very positive outlook on the valley, and how to expand this space into something that isn’t plagued with negativity. Her mindset and perseverance are admirable. She’ll be a good Luna.”

“What if I don’t want her to be the Luna?”

I didn’t look at her when I said those words. My softened gaze was on my floating beauty. Some of the scars seemed to have healed from the treatment Lauren delivered, but there was still plenty that tore at me in a way that made me feel so useless.

As her Alpha, I should have been there to protect her. Instead, the roles had reversed.

“You and I know what you want her to be, Malifer,” Lauren declared, and it was her turn to stare forward while I peered over at her. “But is that a sacrifice that’s beneficial for the valley.”

She had a point, but I couldn’t answer her as I followed her gaze to watch Lexianne float peacefully. Her aura was already showing a significant difference, and it eased the piles of worries even though there were other areas of controversy piling in their places.

“Let me ask you this,” Lauren quietly spoke. “Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished?”

That question was random to me, but I did take the time to think about it.



“It could be better,” I admitted the honest truth. “I don't regret creating the trials. I put years of effort into perfecting those lands so that anyone with ill intentions wouldn’t reach the finish line. Demons are creatures of chaos, and we thrive off of it, but if someone is entering this valley with the intentions of using this space to their sole advantage, the trials are made to ensure they never have a chance to try.”

I dipped my hand through the waters surrounding us, my eyes taking in the twinkling beauty that ignited with the mere movement of my demonic fingers. The ripples were enchanting to get lost in, and it only left me wondering what could be unraveled in this land.

In this miniature world of haven I’d created out of agony.

“Where I lacked was everything else. I never genuinely thought about it before. We have the basics. The necessities to function and survive while we have a general routine in place of what is done as a pack. However, it wasn’t until Lexianne reached the finish line in front of the Residence that I saw something powerful twinkle in her eyes.”

My lips quirked up at the memory, the fuming determination and excitement that consumed those gorgeous orbs of hers that were dancing with various colors.

“Thrilling happiness. After all those challenges that did everything to try and kill her, she was happy. She felt alive, important, and worthy of both praise and acknowledgment. All because she’d gone through a challenge very few reach the end of. There was something different in her gaze that reminded me of each member of the valley that entered this oasis I created,” I confessed. “They all carried similar expressions of exhilaration, and I could only imagine how they envisioned their futures now that they entered my lands.”

Lifting my hands from the water, I admired the droplets that rolled off my flesh and back into the rejuvenating liquid, my thoughts only further diving into the past and remembering the various dreams my own demons carried.

“No matter their age or type of shifter they were, they all slept like the troubles of the past were forgotten. That they had found a place that pushed them so hard, they were able to crash and shatter that barrier that always stopped them from being who they wished to become. They were crucified for not being what their packs needed, but in the valley, they were able to discover a world that did see their worth and could empower them further. They thought of all the things they would get to experience now that they were free… but…” I trailed off as if I’d finally clued in on what was missing.

“They were greeted by a world that promised them one thing but delivered a sense of stability that none of them craved. At least, not the stability you and I would think about,” she summarized like she could see the picture I’d painted in my mind and how things had shifted the moment my demons entered the Residence. “It’s a place for them to call home, but not a place for them to explore. It’s a place that doesn’t torture them daily but encourages them to take out their inner frustrations on one another. There are challenges and activities that happen when you’re present which brings them bouts of happiness, but your absence and the return of what’s comfortable leaves them on a scale of unease, for they’re unsure when the next opportunity of challenge will arise.”

She bobbed her head slowly as if it all made sense.

“The valley is a world you made to give you the sense of peace you always craved within the walls of your pack, but demons don’t crave peace. They crave chaos, uncertainty, scenarios that provoke them, and harsh leadership. It's not like they never wished for peace when they were alive and within their packs, but how are you supposed to enjoy something you’ve never experienced?”

She gave me her full attention as she turned to face my side. I tugged my gaze away from Lex to give Lauren the same respect she gave me.

“You believe, with Lex’s rulership, Demon Valley could truly become a pack of demon wolves that deems these lands their true oasis of hope,” she summed up. “A place where they can shatter through various barriers that have held them back, some physical restraints, while others are in the form of mental scrutiny. You want to expand this world and create a kingdom that has its share of challenges but delivers a sense of community.”

She paused while she looked directly into my eyes.

“But why do you think she’d want to do that all on her own?”

I tried to look away, but my body was frozen in place. It made me frown at how easily it was for me to fall into these stupid traps, but I could tell Lauren was slightly pulling my leg from the way the corner of her lip quirked upward.

“You seek for all those beneath your ruling to break through the barriers that fought to belittle their worth during their life spans but are afraid of shattering the ones you surround yourself with,” she acknowledged without any remorse. She wasn’t going to sugarcoat the ultimate truth of my apprehension, which could either be a blessing or an annoyance in return. “You believe if you shatter them, you’ll have no identity.”

Silence followed her words.

“I want you to ask yourself this. Is acting like a formidable ruler leading you to a path of happiness and fulfillment? Or are you just setting yourself up to fail and be a mockery of all those who are waiting to strike you at your lowest for the third time?”

The third time…
