Page 41 of Demon Valley Marked

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Forcing us to acknowledge just how dumbfounded we’d really been.

My wolf howled in agony and rooted frustration, his body thrashing in place because he, too, couldn’t escape whatever mental barricade was placed around his shadowed body.

Why does this always happen? Why am I caught in this ongoing cycle of ridicule and failure? Was losing all those I loved while being betrayed by my own not enough, so that now I have to experience it a second time? Was shattering all my hopes and dreams and leaving me in a state of inner turmoil my purpose in this world?

That was exactly how I felt. The broken pieces of shattered glass that were once put together projected a wonderful masterpiece for the rest of the world to admire and praise.

Only I’d never been praised for my actions.

The moment I was born, I’d been placed on a pedestal of expectations and become the target of constant mockery. I was the Alpha who was going to be the one to follow in my father’s footsteps, but it only took a few short weeks to realize I wasn’t fit to be the villainous Alpha my father wanted me to be.

The pack knew it. My father knew it. Travis knew it… and maybe Lexianne knew it too. That was why she did what she did. To protect the only one who was so blind to the truth that was glaring back at me from the mirror.

Me... I was the only one who didn’t know.

I thought revenge would help me become the villain I was inspired to be, but what a tragic end this was to my reign that hadn’t yet blossomed to fruition.

I was destined to fail…

“Boss is out of the building,” one of the armed men announced. “Ready to shoot her up.”

“W-Wait. Don’t kill me! I’m innocent in all of this. I was used! I brought the girl here! Lured her here. You can’t just kill me after I’ve done exactly what your boss asked of me!” Laura screamed in fear.

“If that’s the way you think, Sweetie, then you’re the most naive slut we’ve ever encountered to date!” one declared while the others laughed in unison as they remained in their places.

“Let’s get shooting. Try to miss the hot blonde. We can stun her after we have our way with that delicious body of hers in the truck.”

“Score!” the others cheered, ready to pull their triggers.

“Dammit,” Lauren quietly cursed under her breath. “This is it?”

All I could do was look at Nathan. He looked back my way, and I remembered the vow I’d made when Lexi first entered Shade Moon Pack.

“You haveto do your part and protect her when I’m not around, Nathan. Father’s training is getting stricter, and he wants every day to be unpredictable. That means I can’t be here all the time, but we’ve perfected this now. You can be independent and be the best friend Lexianne needs.”

“But…” Nathan trailed off before he muttered, “Dad said Lex is going to be a villain one day.”

“Huh?” I shook my head. “No, she’s not! Look at her. She’s innocent. She was kidnapped from her family and brought to the labs. Father ambushed the lab to save her.”

“That’s not what he told Travis when you left with Lexi earlier.”

“What?” I didn’t understand. “What did he tell Travis?”

“That Lexianne will be the perfect queen for Travis. That he got the Seer to look into it. The one who’s going to teach Lexianne to be a healer for the pack. She said Lexianne was born to rule.”

“But… that doesn’t mean she’s evil,” I tried to convince him. “Besides. We’ll be there. We won’t let that happen. We’re the good guys, Nathan! We’re going to be there for Lexianne and protect her from those bad guys who trapped her in that place. That’s what Alphas do.”

“That’s what good Alphas do, Malifer,” Nathan whispered and gave me a sad smile. “That’s the problem. There are no good Alphas anymore.”

“That’s… not true.”

“One day you’ll understand, Malifer,” Nathan whispered as he shrugged. “You don’t get to see what I see. What they hide in the dark when you’re asleep. I’m your demon side after all. Sometimes, only demons can tell who the true villains are.”

“Nathan…” I didn’t know what to say, but I bobbed my head and put my hands on his shoulders. “I’ll prove it to you. That there’s good in the world. That we’re heroes and we’re going to protect Lexianne so she never becomes a villain. We’ll rise against the odds and be the Alpha our pack members respect and trust. We may not be as great as Travis is, but we’ll get better! And stronger! I’ll prove to you that we’re meant to rule! If not, you can tell me you told me so.”

Nathan pouted his lips, but seeing my determined eyes made him smile.

“I told you so,” he declared.
