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She sat behind a desk. Instead of taking the seat across from her, King Sebastian pulled a chair beside her and leaned over. “If more people see this, it will cause many questions.”

“Only you and some emissaries from Haven are coming.”

“You know that Ironhold could accuse you of staging a farce to blame them.”

“Aren’t they our friends?” She smiled. “Why would they do that?”

He laughed. “I like your sense of humor.”

“It’s not funny, actually.”

“No. Ironhold is thirsty for a war, and they would love to crush your kingdom. You know that, don’t you?”

She wasn’t going to spell things that clearly, at least not yet. “Isn’t there a war against the fae coming up? Why would they want more conflict?”

“The fae… I don’t know. There’s no doubt they are here, but I have my questions. It’s all too convenient for Ironhold.”

That king was so close to the truth… But she wasn’t going to confirm his theories. “And yet nobody is saying anything.”

“We will have to say something at the gathering. Find a solution. King Harold didn’t tell you his request, but his idea was that all the kingdoms would fund his army, sending gold, food, whatever riches they have. In turn, they would offer everyoneprotection.”

“I don’t understand.” She decided to make a bold suggestion. “You have a strong army—and strong magic. Can’t you say you don’t need their help?”

“We can’t say it for the same reason you can’t say Ironhold attacked you.” That was quite bold. “We’d be branded traitors. The only way to do it is if we all unite. Perhaps even… turn against them.” He was going there? That was fast, and good—but not that simple.

“The kingdoms are too afraid of the fae to do that. Some of them, the ones with fewer resources, might believe they need Ironhold.”

“Few resources, Princess Irinaia. It means they won’t be happy to pay for help they don’t need. They saw what happened to Frostlake. Ironhold was there, supposed to protect them, and yet the king and queen were killed. What kind of protection is that? Kingdoms have questions, questions they won’t dare voice through a communication mirror.”

“We’ll be in the Iron Citadel. It will be almost impossible to conspire.”

“Almost, but not impossible. And maybe we can hurt them from the inside. Their castle is all made of metal, isn’t it? And your brother is alive.”

“This suggestion borders on treason.”

“More like mutiny. We’ll need to get rid of the kingdom who wants to crush us. The fae… We’ll deal with them like we always dealt.”

Hopefully this wasn’t some kind of test. “I just want to see peace in Aluria.”

“Same. And I’m glad to know I can count on you. But what about your father?”

“He is quiet and reserved, but he also wants the best for Aluria and Umbraar.”

“Good.” He looked around. “Are you happy here?”

“I… don’t actually live in this fort, if that’s what you are asking.”

“I mean, this is a simple room. Your clothes are simple. You didn’t even attend the gathering, why was that?”

That wasn’t true. “I went to the gathering.”

“I’m absolutely sure I would have seen you, princess Irinaia. I’m assuming you weren’t at the ball or dinner.”

He hadn’tseenher? Big purple sleeves and all? River. He had made her unnoticeable indeed. She did want to strangle him. “I was in a corner.”

The king took a deep breath. “We need strength, alliances. I saw you earlier today, and I was impressed. Never in my life would I imagine I would meet an intelligent woman.”

If that was the case, it could only mean he had never bothered talking to any of them, but Naia bit her tongue. It would do no good to cross a potential ally. She forced a smile. “You exaggerate.”

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