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“Kiss me,” she whispered. She didn’t think he’d dare it unless she asked.

His tongue caressed the side of her face so, so softly, while he asked, “Does this count?”

Leah chuckled. “Yes.” It was so nice that he could lick and speak at the same time.

He stopped. “I wish I had my human form now. You have no idea how much I’d love to see you again, all of you, to touch you again, then make you mine. If you allow me, of course.”

Leah caressed the side of his face. “I can’t be yours—physically—right now, but it doesn’t mean I can’t…” She paused, the words stuck in her throat.

“Say it. I want to hear it. Say it, Leah, say what you’re thinking with no fear and no shame. We’re better than that.”

“That night when I came to you. I wish you hadn’t stopped. That night you came to my bedroom, I wish you hadn’t left. I wish you had ruined me there and then. And now… I know things are crazy and we have so much to think about and plan, but…” There was where it took some courage. She unbuttoned her top. “You can still see me. You can kiss me if you want. And then tell me whatyoulike. I don’t know anything about human men and nothing about dragons, but I can learn.”

This leather armor was a little uncomfortable, with pants instead of a skirt, but she was glad to get rid of the top, then remove her slip, and feel the night wind caressing her breasts and bringing a chill to her body, then Fel’s breath warming her again. Not only his breath, but her own heat now, aching for his touch, a touch like she had dreamed once, that had lulled her to sleep in infinite bliss. Her silver dragon was real, and they were together now.

Leah unbuttoned her pants, and was wondering how to remove them gracefully, when a light caught her attention. Not a light, but a round line on the rock beside her. A fire circle was being formed on the ground. Dragons.

“On my back,” Fel said.

She grabbed her jacket and underslip and jumped on him as fast as she could.

How could anyone have found them here, in such a desolate, unreachable place? And most importantly,whohad found them?

* * *

Fel would haveto make a decision quickly on whether to fight or fly. Perhaps Leah would also use her magic, but it was better to be prepared just in case. At least the circle being formed was on the ground, meaning that whoever was coming was in human form. Not that it would help much, depending on how much magic they had—and who and how many they were.

He watched closely as the line became a full circle, from where smoke seemed to come in. Fel prepared a blast of fire.

Two people stood in the circle. He almost blasted them, but then he noticed that it was a blond woman and a dark-haired man. In a few more seconds, he recognized Tzaria and Ekateni.

The heat in his chest cooled down. More than relieved, Fel was elated; he and Leah needed help, direction, guidance, and Ekateni and Tzaria were the right people to give it. He did wish they had arrived at a slightly better time, though. Leah jumped from his back, thankfully fully dressed now, and stood near his face.

He then noticed that Tzaria was leaning on Ekateni, and then sat on the ground slowly, as if having difficulty.

“Are you all right?” Fel asked.

“I’m still recovering,” Tzaria replied. “That spear was poisoned.”

Ekateni walked away from her, so that he was standing as far from her as he could. “She could’ve died,” he said between his teeth, staring at the distance. His anger was palpable, but Fel wasn’t sure who it was directed at.

After a moment of awkward silence, Fel realized then that Tzaria didn’t know Leah, and said, “This is my betrothed, Leandra, or Leah. And this is Tzaria.” Not that he had to introduce the woman, but he felt it would be polite to name her.

Tzaria stared at Leah with some mix of admiration and curiosity. “You can walk in the hollow. And quite far.”

“I’m a deathbringer.”

It was odd to see her claiming that magic as hers with confidence.

Fel then turned to both his uncle and Tzaria. “I thought you wouldn’t come to Aluria.”

The woman shook her head. “In normal circumstances, it would be unwise. Some of us can sense dragon magic, dragon energy. There wasn’t any in Aluria, and that was why it was safer not to come here, so that the Boundless wouldn’t come looking for you. But something changed… I can sense dragon activity in this land. I’m not sure it’s you, or…” Her tone became grim. “Perhaps you have company.”

Another dragon. Naia was the first thought that came to his mind. Unless… There could be many, many possibilities. Still, should he tell them about his twin? He should definitely tell her about all that had been going on. But instead, he asked, “What do you think has changed?”

Tzaria shrugged. “Again, it could be you. You’re in your dragon form, and it might be easier to detect it. Then there could be Boundless in Aluria. I’m sworn to protect you and—”

Ekateni scoffed. “Great protection. To leave him to fend off by himself. Away from his family.”

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