Page 34 of Never Let Go

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At that moment, May glanced at the window.

And she was totally sure that she saw movement from behind it. It had only been for a moment. Just a momentary flicker of the light. But she was sure she had not imagined it, and that someone was out there. The sense of creepy dread she'd felt inside on arriving home surged again.

"I've got to go, sis," she said in a quiet voice.

"Everything okay there?" Kerry said, now sounding worried.

"I don't know. I'll tell you later."

Not wanting to waste any more time, May cut the call. As quietly as she could, she stood up and put a hand on her gun. She was going to find out who this was. This prowler could be linked to Lauren's case.

It could be dangerous. May knew that without a doubt. But she had her gun, and if she was smart about this, she would also have the element of surprise.

This person, this shadowy figure, had been at her window. So, May was going to sneak out of her kitchen door, creep around, and try to surprise him—or her.

She tiptoed to the kitchen door and opened it as quietly as she could. Her heart was pounding, hard. She took the flashlight off the shelf by the door and held it at the ready. It could provide light and also be a weapon. It was a big, heavy flashlight. And she had her gun.

She crept along the wall, listening carefully. Her heart began hammering as she heard the distinctive sound of a foot scraping on gravel. And the soft, soft noise of a quiet throat clearing.

There was someone there! Waiting by the window.

For just a moment, May hesitated, feeling scared and indecisive as if she was eighteen years old again.

And then, resolve filled her. She was going to take the advantage here, storm the situation, and get a visual. And she was going to do it fast, before he knew she was there, before he could run, and hopefully before he could attack.

May took a deep breath. She snapped on the flashlight, and she drew her gun.

And then she rushed around the corner, weapon raised.


May brandished her flashlight, gripping her gun, ready for anything as she stormed around the corner.

"Police! Freeze!" she yelled at the intruder who was now trapped in the flashlight's beam.

She knew that she could be coming face to face with the person who had taken Lauren.

Instead, she gasped in shock at the man caught in the beam, who was backing hastily away, his arms in the air, and an expression of utter shock on his face.

"Owen!" May exclaimed.

He stared at her, wide eyed. He was clearly shocked. It was written all over his features. He looked totally guilty. May was still buzzing with adrenaline and fear, but now, anger was starting to overtake both of these.

"What the hell?" she burst out. "What are you doing outside my window? I don't believe this! What's going on?"

She lowered the gun. She didn't lower the flashlight. She wanted to see his expression as he told her why. But he just stared at her in astounded silence.

"You were snooping outside my house," she said. “You’d better give me a reason. Now!”

"I was worried about you," he said defensively.

"You were spying on me. Why were you looking in my window?" she snapped at him.

“What else do you expect me to do?” His voice was filled with frustration. “I’ve tried talking to you. I’ve tried asking you what was happening. So now, I came here to leave you a note. I have it here. In my jacket. But then I heard you speaking and wanted to know if you were speaking to anyone."

"Of course I was speaking to someone," May said.

"Anyone in particular, I mean," Owen snapped. “Because from what I’ve been feeling recently, I’ve been thinking maybe there is someone in particular, and you and I need to have a different conversation about that.”

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