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“It’s Aggie. She’s a total gossip. If there’s something going on with me and you guys, she’s going to want to know about it. Like, she’ll sense it.”

“You’re worried about her telling people?” Mac asked.

“Not that. She can keep a secret, it’s just that she’s going to sense something is up the second she sees me. I need to know whether or not I can tell her something’s going on between all of us.”

We all shared a look that said none of us cared if she told her.

“Go right ahead,” Adam said. “Might want to have her keep it to herself and not blab it to the whole town though. People tend to be judgmental about things they don’t understand, you know?”

Adam’s words made us share another look, this one more serious. We knew what he was referring to.

“You don’t need to worry about anything like that. She’s nosy when it comes to me, but she’s good at discretion.”

“Good,” Mac said. “Anything else on your mind?”

She shook her head slowly. “I think the next step is to process all of this. I’ve… kinda got a ton to think over.”

“Naturally,” Adam said. “Take all the time you need.”

Silence fell over us, and I turned my head to the nearest window. The snow was still coming down hard, with no signs of letting up.

“Slight change of subject,” I said. “But I don’t think you should be driving anywherein this weather. Not even back to your place, even though it’s close.”

She nodded. “Oh, I know. Aggie already texted me and told me to stay over, that she’d take care of the animals in the morning.”

Mac threw back the rest of his whiskey, putting his hands on the ground and pushing himself up.

“Then let’s get you settled in one of the guest rooms. I’d put you up in here, but, uh, you probably don’t want to sleep in those sheets.”

“Or maybe I do,” she said with a wink. “They smell like you guys now, after all.”

My cock shifted a bit at her words, not to mention the sultry expression on her face as she said them.

“As much as I appreciate the sentiment, there will be no sleeping in the wet spot in this house,” Mac replied. He stepped over to the nearby closet, fishing out some spare clothes. “Come on with me, Aubrey, I’ll get you settled in.”

Aubrey stretched out her willowy, slender arms, taking in a big yawn as she did. “Yeah, kinda thinking some rest is in order after all of that.” Mac handed her one of our old Navy sweatshirts and a pair of sleeping pants. I said nothing, taking in the sight of her slipping them on over her impossibly sexy body. Her shapely legs extended down below the bottom of the sweatshirt, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.

Aubrey grinned as she stepped into the sleeping pants, her glances jumping from one of us to the other.

“You guys never seen a girl put on clothes before?”

The boys and I chuckled at being spotted so easily.

“Not a woman who looks like you,” I said.

“Alright, alright.” Mac put on some sleeping clothes of his own. “Calm yourselves down before I bring in some buckets of cold water.” He nodded to Aubrey, and she flashed us all one last smile before leaving with Mac.

“Good night, boys,” she said with a wink. The look on her face, and her lingering gaze, let us know without a doubt that we were going to be on her mind that night as she drifted off to sleep.

Once she was gone, the door to the bedroom shut, the guys and I settled into silence as we watched the fire and sipped our drinks.

I’d never been one for silence, however.

“Holy hell,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief. “She just might be the one.”

Marcus shot me a hard look. “You serious? I mean, you’re really saying something like that after our first time together with her?” He stood up, making his way over to his underwear, snatching them up and putting them on. “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself, brother.”

“What?” I did the same, my underwear within arm’s reach from where I sat. “Are you two really telling me you don’t feel something a little more intense than just a physical connection?”
