Page 11 of Mistletoe Kisses

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She stopped suddenly. “I’ve never thought of it that way. I guess I have come a long way.”

He patted her shoulder and then dropped his hand. “Sorry, that’s your hurt side.”

“I’m fine, really. I will have to get surgery every once in a while. Think of it as a skin update.”


“There’s the pity again. I don’t like it when people feel sorry for me. Like I said, I’ve come a long way, and I have a lot to be proud of.”

“I agree. But I’m not showing pity. That’s concern.”

There was a long pause before she said, “You know, I used to be beautiful once.”

“You’re beautiful now.”

She stopped walking and stared at him, as if challenging his answer. “Is sorry all you needed to say?”

He sighed. How could he make her believe him? “No, there is something else. About Aimee...”

She looked expectantly at him. “Yes?”

“I want to ask her to the dance.”

Holly glanced down and grinned, though he couldn’t be sure since he was on her bad side. “Okay, what do you need me to do?”

“Well, first of all, do you think she’ll go?”

Holly nodded, not saying anything more. Had she and Aimee talked about him before? Why did that bother him?

“Okay, well, do you think we should all go on a group date? If Justin asked, would you go with him?”

She lifted her head. “In a prom-like dress?”

“Sure. It’s winter. I’m sure there are long-sleeved ones.”

“Wait, the real question is would he go with me? I’m not interested in dating right now.”

Eric snapped his finger to the side. “Right? Neither is he. This is a great match. And Cameron finally can ask Diane out.”

“What’s taken him so long? She’s been waiting and waiting and—”

“You and I need to talk more one-on-one, I guess.”

She smiled and nodded. “Deal.”

Eric noticed a new pep in her step as they headed back toward the apartment. “Are you hungry?” she asked. “I can make dinner?”

He’d just eaten a sandwich, but... “I could eat,” he said finally. It was true. He was so skinny, no amount of food stuck on him.

Once they’d made it back to the kitchen, he moved closer when she opened her cupboard. He inhaled sharply when he saw the half loaf of bread, the cereal, and a few bags of noodles. “Do you have another cupboard?”

She shook her head. “Nope. Want noodles? I cook a mean ramen. I think I have some eggs left over. And Diane has some vegetables I can put in.”

It was ramen. How different could it be?

She made him sit while she stood at the stove and worked her magic. A knock sounded at the door, but no one from the back room came out.

Holly glanced toward the door, and then her cheeks flushed with color. “Oh, crap. It’s creeper-Collin from last night, back for more sugar.”

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