Page 52 of Daddy's Orders

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“Is that what this place is?” Mabel asked, her eyes shining. “An actual puppet theater?”

“Of course,” Rip replied. “You said you wanted to be a puppet master. I guess I took it literally. What with your love of acting, playing the part of the queen. Plus, you know, we’ve both worked in the movies now. We have experience of working in the entertainment business.”

Mabel still looked as though she was having trouble taking this in. He hoped this was a good kind of shock, not a bad one.

“Come,” he said. “Look inside.”

He led her into the theater and showed her the rows of seats they’d put in, using spare pews from the old church. And then the puppet stage that he’d built, using a platform in the rafters for them to hide while using the puppets.”

“You’re serious!” Mabel. “I never thought about doing anything like this in all my life!” She began to sniff, and her eyes filled with tears.

“Oh no, sweetheart. It was just an idea. Honestly. This place can be anything you want it to be. I didn’t mean to take over. I want this to be as much your thing as it is mine—”

“Daddy, it’s perfect,” said Mabel, grabbing hold of him. “Ilovethis idea. With all my heart. We can put on a weekly show for all the Littles, maybe even do a Christmas pantomime, and, and, and—” She paused a moment, screwing up her nose. “Where are the puppets?”

“That’s the fun part,” said Rip. “I think it might be cool if we make the puppets ourselves. Using completely foraged parts.”

Mabel looked down at her bandaged hand. “I’m not sure if I’m up to it.”

“Already thought of that,” said Rip. He pointed to a package at the back of the theater. “In that box, you’ll find safety gloves, thumb guards, goggles. We’re gonna do this properly, babygirl. As a team.”

“You honestly think we’re capable of making out own puppets? Hand carving them and everything?”

“Of course we are,” said Rip. “We’re capable of anything.”

Mabel looked up at him, with an expression of mischief and resolve. She looked just about as beautiful as a person could look. “Alright, Daddy. Let’s do this thing.” She walked over to the package, but Rip stopped her.

“Not so fast, cutie.” He held on to her shoulders, turning her to face him. “First, we need to get you healed up. Then, I need to make you mine.”

Mabel’s eyes sparkled. “Can’t wait, Daddy. In fact, I’m pretty sure my hand just finished healing.”

Rip smiled. “No, it didn’t honey. But that doesn’t stop me from giving you some special care. Endorphins do aid the healing process, after all.”

“They do?”

“Pretty sure they do,” said Rip with a grin. “Get down on that stage for me, missy.”

Mabel’s jaw dropped. “But… isn’t this our workplace? Are we allowed to…?”

“We’re the bosses now. I say it’s company policy that when nobody else is around the bosses are allowed to engage in whatever intimate acts they like. What do you think, partner?”

“I think I like the way my business partner thinks.” Mabel sat on the stage, and Rip helped her lie back comfortably.

All this time, and he still hadn’t gotten to taste her. He’d been so desperate for this moment, and it was clear that she had too. As he pulled down her pants, he saw the wet patch on her cotton panties, and he felt himself grow instantly hard.

Behave yourself, Rip. This is about her right now. Every day until she’s healed, this is all about her.

“I’m gonna go gentle on you, babygirl,” said Rip, hooking his fingers under the waistband of her panties. “But if it gets too much, or your hand starts hurting too much any time, you just say the word.”

“Cut!” yelled Mabel, then giggled. “Sorry, that wasn’t me actually saying the word. I was just practicing.”

Rip tutted. “Careful, you little imp. Or Daddy will have to punish you by making you wait.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” said Mabel. “I’ll be good as gold from now on.” She mimed zipping up her mouth.

“Very good,” he said, pulling down her panties, looking at her gorgeous pussy, already slick with moisture. Slowly, he got down onto his knees, kneeling before her, and he took a moment to admire her. To worship her. “Fuck,” he breathed. “You really are a queen.”

He kissed her, slowly at first, enjoying every tiny taste of her: fresh-cut grass, wild roses, sex. Utterly delicious and utterly his.
