Page 97 of Monsters Before Men

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He growled, his thrusts faltering, the movement of his hips stuttering, his face relaxing. “Going to fill you up now, little one, going to pump you full of my seed.” With a low groan, he sunk deep inside me, far deeper than before. Warmth flooded inside me and my entrance stretched to accommodate the bulb at the base of his cock.

“Too much!” I yelped, tears stinging my eyes as he drove his knot inside me, barging his way in until I felt the bulge lodge behind the bone of my pelvis.

“Yes,” he said. “Yes, little one. I have mated you, good and proper. I have filled your belly with my pups.” His hand fell to my stomach and pressed down against the still hard rod of his cock inside me. Stars popped into my vision, pleasure stealing away all knowledge of pain. More warm liquid pulsed inside me and he sighed with satisfaction.

The mad noise of our coupling died away and only our rasped breaths and the rustling of dead leaves filled my ears. Warm sweat coated my body. The wolf dragged his tongue up my neck,tasting the salt on my skin. Then, with his cock still locked inside me, he carried me into the darkness of the cave.

Chapter 8

The first fingers of dawn woke me much later, and I found myself on a hard earth floor, the damp ceiling of the cave above my head and the sleeping body of Mr. Edwards beside me.

There was no sign of the werewolf who had ravished me in the night and once again, I wondered if I possessed a maligned brain that had imagined the whole thing. But the sting and stickiness between my legs told me I had not. And then there was that scar on the man’s side, the jagged lines of it white in the morning light.

I realised that, like me, he was completely naked, and, despite all we had done last night, I blushed, rolling from under his arm that lay over my waist.

He stirred, murmuring, and dragged me to him. Burying his face in my hair, he nuzzled against my neck. “Little mate.”

“Mr. Edwards?” I asked, wondering whether the man could possibly live up to the words uttered by the creature last night.

“Sarah, my little love,” he murmured, and his stiff cock nudged against my backside. It was perhaps not as large as the monster’s had been, but I could still determine that it was impressive in both length and girth.

I twisted around to face him and met those entrancing eyes. Eyes, I realised, I was beginning to love. “What happens now?” I said, with a hint of apprehension in my heart. I had been let down by the only other man I had loved and trusted in my life, my father. Had I fallen into that same trap for a second time?

Mr. Edwards nipped at the lobe of my ear, his hand resting on my stomach, his fingers stroking the tender skin there. “After I have made love to you again, my little mate, I will take youhome, where I intend to keep you in my bed day and night until I am satisfied our mating has been successful and my child grows in your belly.”

“And marriage?” I asked. He had promised. I wanted to know if he was a man of his word.

“I will marry you today, Miss Samuels, if the rector will allow it.”

I laughed. “I doubt he will.” Then my face fell, and I sighed.

“What?” he asked me.

“There will be gossip. Gossip, perhaps even to rival that surrounding the Davenport affair.”

“I have never cared what people thought of me.”

“No,” I said, running my fingers through his dark locks. “I suppose I have not either. But to be shut out of society…”

He took my hand in his and kissed my pulse point. “We will have adventures enough. We will not miss society.”

A shiver of excitement skated down my spine. “The wolf?” I asked.

“Do not fear, little one, he is always near. He will have you again. But right now it is my turn.” He kissed my mouth and my body turned pliant in his grip. I parted my thighs, expecting him to thrust his way inside, but he dove down my body, burrowing his mouth between my folds.

“Sir!” I squealed in delight as his tongue caused electricity to spiral through my core.

“Randolf,” he said. “My name is Randolf.”

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