Page 95 of Monsters Before Men

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He halted and lifted his head from my chest, his face hovering in front of mine. “Who?”

“Lord and Lady Edwards, and I need this employment.”

He snorted in annoyance. “Miss Samuels, you fail to understand me. You are mine now. My mate. I intend to make you my wife as well, but while a wife can be snatched away, a mate cannot.”

I gasped. “Your wife? Sir!”

“My wife, Miss Samuels.” His fingers untied and loosened the ribbon, and his hand slipped under the material. My eyes fluttered shut as he cupped my breast and tweaked my nipple.But I bit my lip, determined not to lose the thread of this conversation. The monster was mad. It was clear.

“Your family would never approve of such a match.”

“It matters little what anyone thinks, least of all my family. I have made my own fortune, as you know. I am free to make my own choices in life. And my wolf has chosen you.”

“But I…” I pushed firmly against his broad chest, forcing some distance between us. The cold air knocked some sense back into my mind. “I have not chosen you. You have not even asked me, sir.” He growled at me, his eyes fading a shade darker, and the glare made me shiver with fear. Still, I held my ground.

“You want choice?” he asked.

I nodded resolutely.

“You want freedom?”

I hesitated.

“Your current arrangement allows you very little. I think you long to be free.”

Seduced by his words, I swayed towards him. How did he know? It was as if he’d peered inside my soul to see all my longing laid bare.

“I do,” I conceded. My skin itched for his touch again.

“I am free, Sarah.” My name sounded soft in his monstrous mouth. “Be mine and you will be just as free. I will take you any and every place you long to go. I will show you every corner of this mortal world. I will reveal the secrets that lurk in the shadows. Secrets like me.” He growled and held out his hand to me.

I stared down at the large paw with its deadly claws.

This was insanity, pure insanity. The promises on this creature’s lips could prove false. He could bed me and leave me. He could rip me to shreds. Yet something in those deep eyes told me he was true. He had revealed himself to me in all hismonstrous glory, had trusted me with this secret. And now I would trust him.

I took his hand and pulled the wolf towards me. He snatched me up greedily and his mouth was on mine in a heartbeat, kissing me in a way that only confirmed all he promised. At first, my inexperience left me faltering, but soon I was kissing the monster back, my fingers tangling in the fur of his chest, tugging on it, wanting more.

His hands gripped the neck of my gown and, in one fierce rip, he tore it from my body, leaving me naked before him.

He tipped back his head, and I whined at the loss of his mouth.

“Let me see you, little one,” he commanded, his gaze trailing from my face down to my chest, where it grew hungrier still as he soaked in my breasts, then further down over my ribs and my belly to the tuft of hair at the apex of my legs. “Beautiful,” he murmured with such reverence I knew this was no false flattery. “Let me taste my mate,” he said, still eyeing my groin.

“Taste me?” I muttered in alarm.

“Yes, little one.” He fell to all fours, his nose hovering at the top of my thighs. He nudged them open with his paws and I gasped as he dove his muzzle between my legs, his wet tongue slurping through my folds. The contact was electric, every nerve there singing in pleasure, and I could do nothing but grip the two large, furry ears on the top of his head.

“So sweet,” he moaned, his lips vibrating against my sensitive nub, making me buck with bliss. “Ahhh, you like that?”

I had no opportunity to respond because his attention was now focused on that point. He licked at it, circled it with his long tongue with slow and languid movements one moment, quick delicious flicks the next. My legs shook, and I collapsed over him, but he held me upright with his strong body, unrelenting in his ministrations. An intense feeling buzzed deep in my core,building and building until it swept straight through my body, to the very tips of my fingers and toes, causing me to moan and buck and jolt with every fresh wave.

He only gripped my thighs harder and thrust his long tongue right up inside my entrance, brushing against a point that had me crying out. My response seemed to urge him onward, and he prodded at that same spot until I wept and begged him, for what I did not know.

He withdrew his tongue and rocked back on his haunches. The fur around his muzzle was slick with my juices, and I blushed at the thought of what he’d just done.

“Ahh, little one, you taste divine.”

He had just sparked my body into life, caused ecstasy to blast right through every part of me. And yet, now, I had a thirst for more. I wanted more of him, more of his touch, and his taste. And I wanted him to show me more too. I knew there was more.

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