Page 33 of Monsters Before Men

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Taking two steps toward me, her head turned back to the bed, and I could practically see her need to go to it. To follow her instincts.

To nest.

I grinned, letting a fresh purr rumble from my chest. The firelight sparkled off her wet thighs, and my groin tightened in response. Having her in my den had me fighting the urge to pounce, but she needed time to prepare. Her body wasn’t ready yet.

“Go, Nala. Ready our nest.”

Her wide eyes swung back to mine, hesitant before she dropped them and shuffled toward the corner. I followed, my purr increasing when she stopped at the edge of the bed. I knew it had to be hard for her, making a nest for another alpha after losing her mate, but her instincts would drive her to do what we needed. Once I claimed her, things would get easier.

Chapter 5


I was torn.

I wanted to obey. My body urged me to do what Av’dag ordered. But my brain caught on the phrase he’d used, flooding me with guilt.

“Go, Nala. Ready our nest.”

It was what Nearden told me each time he sensed my heat approaching.

“Perhaps this time we will be blessed.”

It had taken two years before he’d given up on the second part. I’d blamed myself until his illness became apparent, stealing his vitality as it spread through his body.

This time, you might have a chance,my mind whispered.

The prospect both excited and terrified me. I had no idea if it was possible for me to carry the monster’s young, or what would happen to me if I did. He was so much larger, and while I knew most horned beasts were born with nothing more than nubs, the thought was still intimidating.


I shook my head. Standing at the edge of his pile of furs, I sucked in a deep breath and steeled myself to take that final step, but a large hand landed on my shoulder.

Heat seared my back as Av’dag pressed against me, my core responding with a deep clench of need. I had no idea how he’d react to my hesitance, and for a moment, fear stole my breath.

“Take your time.”

I could feel his hardness against me, yet he wasn’t rushing me. Trembling, I sucked in an unsteady lungful of his scent, shaking the old memories.

A fresh start.

I pressed back into his strength and patted the hand on my shoulder before kneeling.

Start with a clean slate.

I tugged the furs from the corner, noticing the depression in the stone. It was almost a perfect oval, the narrow ends touching the back and side wall of the cave, with a small, raised area between the long edge and the corner.

Disturbing the bedding stirred up Av’dag’s scent and it filled my senses. A part of my brain screamed this was crazy, that I should have tried harder to get away, but a larger part wanted him. Wanted something new. Someone I couldn’t compare to my first mate.

What was life if you didn’t take risks? I’d almost lost mine twice, yet I had nothing to show I’d ever lived.

I ran my hands over the furs, deciding which to use. The cave had a considerable chill, but with a layer below to protect us from the leaching effect of the stone, and with Av’dag to keep me warm, there would be no need for a cover. There were no pillows, but there were enough pelts to provide cushion if placed properly.

Building a nest was done by feel, but I’d never had to create one large enough for a monster. Once I filled the depression with the thicker furs, I hesitated, looking over my shoulder at Av’dag.

He stood a few paces away, arms crossed over his chest, cock jutting from his groin. It jerked as my gaze landed on it, the dark, glistening tip making my mouth water, and I forgot why I’d turned to him.

“Yes, omega?”

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