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Rutted by the Raptor

The Knottiverse: Jurassic Mates Book 2


V.T. Bonds


This is weird. I’m weird. You’re weird.

The world needs more weird, so middle finger to the naysayers.

Knotty reading!

Chapter 1



My wrists ache from fighting against my restraints. Ridiculous. This entire situation is so completely ridiculous itmustbe a dream.

“Good luck, Kope. You’re gonna need it.”

I glare into unrepentant eyes and wish I could slap him again. My palm still aches from when I hit him two days ago.

I glance at the guards stepping forward to grab my arms and growl my next words, too furious to stay silent.

“You’re sending me to a planet with a two percent survival rating becauseyoufucked up some goddamn paperwork and won’t admit to your mistake.”

As the two guards, both beta males, pull me forward, I drag my feet but stop fighting my wrist cuffs, trying to find the calm façade that’s kept me alive all these years.

“You’re working for a fucking coward, boys. A goddamn snake. Watch your back, or you might get sent to an exile planet with fuckingdinosaurs.”

Neither guard pays me any mind, and I can’t say I blame them. This shit show probably plays on repeat in this godforsaken place. They probably hear worse every miserable day of their lives.

Except they have employment, food, and a safe place to sleep, unlike seventy-five percent of my solar system’s inhabitants.

They push me onto a pair of yellow footprints and walk away. My sneakers refuse to lift, the soles held in place by the footprints, just like the other twenty-ish prisoners standing in a neat formation in the center of the loading bay. I flex my fingers, itching to lunge back toward the idiot who put me in this mess, but suck in a breath, trying to steady my racing heart. My shoulders ache from having my wrists tied behind my back for so long, but adrenaline heightens my senses as dread curdles my stomach.

A shiny film coats the world, creating a box around us. It crackles and flickers for several seconds as the charge builds. As it zaps to full power, I drop into as much of a crouch as my planted feet will allow.

Taking stock of those around me, I square my shoulders deeper into the crouch and grit my teeth. There are only two other female prisoners, both near the middle of the group. With their height and stature, they must be betas, but without a proper sniff, I’ll never know, and in this crowd, I have no desire to call attention to myself. Already, the three alphas nearest me stare at me with interest, despite the acrid stench of fear clouding around us as we prepare to face certain doom.

Oh, the joys of being an omega. Not only do I have to worry about surviving dinosaurs, but I also have to fight off any alpha too stupid to keep his cock in his pants.

The cargo bay disappears. Streaks of light turn the shiny film into a kaleidoscope of colors. Pitch black nothingness emanates from the walls as we stand in utter silence.

The footprints morph into dirt and the ties around my wrists fade into obscurity as the faux room around us dissipates.

Stars twinkle in a dark purple sky. Long grass tickles my shoulders and caresses my entire body as it sways in a gentle breeze. No one moves, waiting for the dizziness of teleportation to fade.

The hairs on my nape stand on end. Instinctual fear heightens my senses impossibly further. Each blade of grass brushing against my bare arms and every air molecule ghosting over my skin sends dread through me.

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