Page 96 of Claiming His Kiss

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His son set a plate in front of him.

“Thank you.”

Nodding, Bradley went back to the stove. “Should I make plates for Ali and her mom?”

Daniel had no idea if Ali’s mom would want to eat. From what she’d said at Ali’s apartment, the only thing she was interested in consuming was more alcohol. He noted, however, that she hadn’t yet asked about his liquor cabinet since they’d arrived at the house. Nor had she spoken on the drive here, which had him concerned on an entirely different level.

Bradley sat down beside his father at the kitchen island with a plate of food. “So that’s Ali’s mom.”

“Yes.” Daniel took a bite of his dinner, not wanting his son’s efforts to go to waste. He’d make sure Ali ate after she got her mother settled.

“You never met her before tonight?”

Daniel shook his head. “No. Ali’s told me a little about her, but this is the first time we’ve met.”

His son didn’t say any more. He ate his dinner, then slid off the stool and took his plate to the sink. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”

Tilting his chin up, he let his son know he’d heard him.

Bradley jogged up the stairs, leaving Daniel alone in the kitchen to finish his meal and contemplate what had become a clusterfuck of an evening.

Twenty-seven minutes later, Ali appeared looking frazzled. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him at the island.

Standing, he went to the stove to make her a plate. It was cold again, so he stuck it in the microwave. She sat down at the island without a word.

“Thank you,” she said when he put the plate of food in front of her. Looking up at him, he could see remorse in her eyes. “I’m s—”

“Eat your dinner. Then we’ll talk.”

Her shoulders slumped, but she picked up her fork and began to eat.

Daniel left her alone, taking the file he’d carried in earlier to his room, along with the bag Ali had brought with her from her apartment. When he strolled back into the kitchen, she was loading her plate into the dishwasher. She turned to face him, waiting.

“Does your mother have everything she needs?”

“Yeah. I showed her where the bathroom is and how to work the TV. She should be okay for the rest of the night.” Ali opened her mouth to say more, then closed it again. He knew there was another apology on the tip of her tongue, but he didn’t want I’m sorry. He wanted answers.


She lowered her gaze and walked past him as she made her way to the master bedroom.

Before he followed her, he sent a text to Kim, letting her know Ali was home. As irritated as he was, he didn’t want Kim to worry about her friend.

Ali was kneeling on the floor when he entered. It was a good start.

Daniel locked the door behind him and crossed to the patio door. He locked that door as well and pulled the curtains closed. The last thing he needed was an audience. Or interruptions. He’d told Bradley no more evening dips in the pool, but they now had another house guest, and something told him she was going to be a handful.

Taking a seat on the end of the bed, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. He’d had submissives misbehave before, but it had never caused such a reaction in him. Not being able to reach Ali tonight—not knowing where she was—had him feeling out of control and he didn’t like that.

When he felt calmer, he called her to him. “Come here.”

She crawled to him, keeping her gaze on the ground. Sitting back on her heels, she waited.

He didn’t make her wait long. “Why didn’t you call me to tell me you were going to your apartment after work?”

“I started my period today and needed supplies. I was only going to be a few minutes, so I didn’t call. Then my mom showed up and when I tried to call you, she took my phone.”

While he understood her need to go to her apartment, it didn’t excuse her misstep. She wasn’t new to the lifestyle. She knew what she’d signed up for when she’d gotten into this relationship. “You should have called me.”
