Page 106 of Claiming His Kiss

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“I want you to quit.”

She stopped mid chew.

“You can come work for me, either permanently or until you find something else.”

As much as she hated it, her mom and Bradley came to mind, and it must have been written all over her face. “I—”

“I don’t care what other people think and you shouldn’t, either. You and I know the truth and that’s all that matters.” He took her hand in his. “I won’t stand by and watch you being mistreated. Your well-being is my responsibility until you decide you no longer want it to be. And even then, I’ll still be there in any capacity you need me.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. He meant every word. She knew he did. She could feel it deep in her soul. “What if I always want it to be your responsibility?” It wasn’t quite the same as saying I love you, but maybe it was more.

He studied her face for a long moment. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Ali hadn’t been surer of anything in her life.

Daniel held her hand on the drive back to the hospital administration building. He walked her to her desk and gave her a quick kiss. “Put in your notice, but don’t be surprised if he dismisses you right away.”

“Yes, Sir.” They were alone. Her boss’s office door was open, but he was nowhere in sight.

“Call me when you leave. No matter what time. I’ll meet you at home.”

Ali nodded.

He gave her one last kiss, then turned to go, leaving her alone.

She took the next thirty minutes to gather her personal belongings and get her desk in order. Daniel was right. As soon as she put in her notice, Grant Jacobson would let her go. Based on what Daniel had found, it was what he’d wanted all along.

When her boss strolled in at one thirty, he glared at her. “Did you enjoy your lunch, Ms. Foster?”

Trying not to react to the ire in his voice, she plastered a smile on her face. “I did.” Then, she handed him her resignation letter. It was short and to the point. There was no sense in drawing it out. She couldn’t change the outcome and Daniel was right, she didn’t deserve the way she was being treated.

“What’s this?” he demanded as he read over the letter. When he looked up, there was a look of satisfaction on his face. “I knew you couldn’t cut it.”

Ali didn’t bother to argue the point.

“I won’t have you making a mess of things for your replacement. Gather your things and exit the building.” He picked up the phone on her desk and hit the button for security. “Yes, I need someone to escort Ms. Foster from the premises.”

Her heart raced as he disconnected. He stood, arms crossed, watching her as she placed all her personal items in one of the boxes the printer paper came in.

She was ready to go before security got there, but he refused to allow her to leave, insisting he wanted someone to walk her down to make sure she left the building.

Ten minutes later, security arrived. It was Charles, an older gentleman who’d always been nice to her. She walked toward him, meeting him halfway. “Could you walk me out?”

“Of course.” He shot a quizzical look in her boss’s direction but followed her when she continued toward the elevator. Pressing the button for the first floor, he waited for the doors to close. “Is everything okay, Ali?”

“Yes. Everything’s fine.” And despite her worry this would only confirm Bradley’s opinion of her, she was okay. More than okay.


Daniel swungby the office to pick up some paperwork, then made his way home. He was halfway there when Ali called. “You were right. He had security escort me to my car.”

“Are you all right to drive?” he asked. She didn’t sound distraught, but he wanted to make sure.

Ali sighed. “Yeah. My emotions are all mixed up at the moment, but I’m good.”

He nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “I’ll meet you at home.”

“Okay.” She paused. “Daniel?”
