Page 4 of Twisted Elite

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Armstrong held his hand up again. “Don’t even try to talk up that fucking place to me. It’s an absolute disgrace, and we all know it. I’d rather send her to prison than let her go back,” he seethed. “Now, where the hell is she?”

A petite brunette girl in a silvery gown was crossing the room now, heading toward the three men with wide eyes and a strangely out-of-place grin. “Dad, what are you doing?” she asked before erupting into a giggling fit that was wildly inappropriate for the tense moment.

Armstrong turned his stony face to her and grabbed her right forearm. “I’m getting you away from these people, sweetheart. Come on.”

She pulled away. “No! I’m having fun with my friends. You’re embarrassing me!”

Even though she claimed to be embarrassed, she looked anything but that. Her cheeks were lit with a happy glow, and she wouldn’t stop smiling and giggling.

“You’re coming home with me right now, and you aren’t setting foot on that god-forsaken campus ever again,” Armstrong said. He wasn’t yelling anymore, but he was close enough for me to hear him, along with anyone else in a ten foot radius.

“You can’t take me away from my school!” his daughter said, expression turning more serious now. “I love it there!”

“Too bad. You’re coming home, and you don’t have a say in the matter,” Armstrong replied, grabbing her arm again.

She slumped against him in defeat as he yanked her toward the exit. As they passed, I could see that her pupils were extremely dilated. No wonder she was so giggly and wild-eyed. She was clearly high on something.

That must’ve been what her father was so mad about. Someone at her school had introduced her to drugs, and she was losing her way.

My chest tightened at the thought, and I pursed my lips. If I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to a place like RFA, which practically guaranteed acceptance to any college in the world after graduation, I would buckle down and work my ass off. No drinking or partying. Nothing that could jeopardize my newfound opportunity.

“So what was it you were saying about this party being stiff and boring?” Hunter said in an amused tone, turning back to me.

I laughed. “Hey, you agreed with me, didn’t you?”

“True.” He flashed me another dazzling smile, and I almost melted right into the floor. “I’m not keeping you from work, am I?” he added, smile fading slightly.

“Not really. I’m meant to be taking a quick break anyway.”

“Cool.” He nodded slowly. “Sorry, I should’ve asked earlier.”

I shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”

“What time do you finish up?”

“Whenever the party ends, I guess. Around midnight, maybe?”

“We should hang out properly then. I can give you a tour of the place.”

I could feel my cheeks turning pink again. “Sure. I’d like that,” I replied, hoping I sounded cool and casual. Yeah, no biggie. Just hanging out with the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in the biggest house I’ve ever stepped foot in. Totally an everyday occurrence for me.

“There aren’t any guys in your life who might get jealous of me keeping you here, are there?” Hunter asked, raising his brows. “I only ask because I can’t imagine a girl like you being single.”

I knew what that meant. Be cool, be cool, be cool, I chanted inside my head.

“Well… I do live with a man,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck with one hand. “He’s very protective, and he’ll probably get mad if I’m not home by a certain time. But I guess he’ll just have to get over it.”

“Your dad?”


Hunter frowned, shoulders stiffening. “So you have a boyfriend?”

I flashed a mischievous grin at him. “A terrier. His name is Mignon.”

“Fuck…” He grinned and rolled his eyes. “Can’t believe I fell for that shit.”

I laughed and brushed a loose strand of hair away from my face. Some of it got caught in the necklace I had tucked under my blouse (I never left home without it, but it seemed unprofessional to have it out on display while waitressing). I grimaced and yanked it out, trying to detangle it.

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