Page 31 of Rivals

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Fury contorted Ricco’s features until he got himself under control. “That can be arranged. Although I’m not positive it’s in Mia’s best interest.” He shifted his gaze from me to her. “Are you sure you want to meet with the man who had your mother killed?”



Ricco’s words were like a jolt of ice water thrown on me. I stood frozen next to Nico. I sensed he wanted to leave whatever nightmare card Ricco was about to play, but I couldn’t. Because behind the devious malice he wore like a second skin, there was truth. I’d seen it a handful of times, and its rarity had made an impression. He always employed it for gain, but it was something real nonetheless.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

My nemesis leaned against the desk, his condescending manner firmly in place, and Nico snapped. He moved before I was aware he’d even left my side and wrapped a hand around Ricco’s throat. With his other hand, he stripped Ricco of his gun then pointed it at his temple.

“Listen, asshole,” Nico growled.

I grabbed the gun from under Nico’s suit coat and pointed it at the guards, keeping them back.

“I’m the one you’ll have to go through if you want to speak to Mia. And if you even think of crossing her, I’ll tear your balls off and force them down your throat. And that’s just the beginning. You’ll beg for death, but it won’t come. Not until Mia grants it. And even then, I may keep you alive a little longer for the sheer pleasure of making you suffer before ushering you into a nameless grave.”

I watched in fascination as Ricco’s face turned a mottled red, his eyes bulging as he gasped through his constricted trachea. My heart pounded, and my stomach clenched—not from fear but desire. Seeing Nico defend me and monopolize the situation with such ease made me want to climb him like a tree. It was the hottest thing he could have done for me, and I thought practically everything he did was sexy.

He held Ricco sputtering for air before leaning close with his final warning. “Do we have an understanding?”

Another minute passed before he released Ricco’s neck enough for him to wheeze out a strained yes. Then he let him go and stepped back to my side, keeping the gun.

We waited while Ricco got himself under control. There was no mistaking the deep resentment pulsing along his jaw like a twitchy nerve. “She’ll want to hear this.” He cleared his raw throat. “It’s the truth.”

“Hurry up.” I didn’t want to be there any longer than necessary.

“This is what I know happened. Your father ordered mine to kill her. And he did but not until after he took her to the holding cells and had some fun with her first. He didn’t cover his tracks well enough. When your father found out what he did, Joey killed my dad. Then Joey decided turnabout was fair play and took my mom as his own.”

I couldn’t see past the red haze. I flew at him, the gun heavy in my hand but pointed where I wanted it at my asshole not-brother’s head. I tried to squeeze the trigger. And when I did, my finger met air. The gun was gone.

Nico’s arm wound around my waist in a steel band while I screamed and scratched my nails down Ricco’s face. An evil smile curled Ricco’s mouth before Nico cracked the butt of the gun against his temple.

We left my not-brother in a heap on the ground, his guards closing in to help their boss as Nico lifted me into his arms, rushing through the hallway. I lost track of what was happening or where we were going as Ricco’s words repeated in my mind.

I felt the bite of cold as we left the club. The chaotic thump of music lessened then disappeared when we were in the car. Silence blanketed me, and I pressed my cheek against Nico’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as the car pulled away from the curb.

We didn’t talk on the drive to the hotel. It would only be us in the room when we got there. Until that time, I needed to mine through what Ricco had said, in search of the truth. A sick sense told me that all of it was accurate because of what I’d seen in the cell Ricco had dumped me in.

Numbness settled into my body, quieting the overwhelming thoughts in my mind. When we pulled up to the hotel, Nico climbed from the car with me in his arms. I let my eyelids flutter closed, uncaring who saw. All that mattered was that he held me. I was so grateful that he’d been there.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him but remained silent. It didn’t matter if we hadn’t been together that long. He’d given me so much in such a short period. And before that, he’d been the fantasy. I’d never dreamed that he would become a reality for me.

I’d caught a glimpse of the bellhops through slitted lids before closing my eyes again. Nothing mattered. It was a place where secrets were kept for the wealthy, and photographs were not allowed. Hushed voices flitted around us as Nico crossed through the lobby, still carrying me, and the porter called the elevator. When it arrived, he entered. I assumed our guards did, too, but I kept my eyes closed, uncaring.

When the doors opened with a swoosh and we were moving again, I willed myself from the numbness. I couldn’t remain there. Too much was at stake, and I had to talk everything through with Nico.

There was a quiet beep. The door was pushed open. Then we were inside. With a sigh, I opened my eyes and lifted my head. The décor hit me first. The rooms were apartment style, classically traditional, opulent in the vintage-style furnishings and luxurious touches.

Nico lowered me onto a white rolled-arm couch then sat opposite me on a coffee table that looked too delicate to hold his weight. He set both guns down before taking my hands in his. “Are you all right?”

“Yes. No.” I threw my hands up before standing. I needed to move. Nico switched to sitting on the couch while I paced.

“Do you think he’s lying?” His deep voice penetrated my confusion.

I kept my focus on him and his voice, which pulled me back to reality. “No. I’ve studied him over the years and know the few times he’s been truthful. That was one of them. And only because he knew it would cause maximum pain.” That asshole. “The more I think about it, the more things stand out.”

“Such as?”
