Page 44 of Collateral Damage

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He weaved through cars then took the ramp to get onto the highway. We were headed in the direction of his condo. I wasn’t sure I was ready to go back there.

“I heard you on the phone. What I’m assuming Justin said to get you to believe I would have had Allen’s car tampered with.”

I bit my lower lip, not trusting myself to say anything. Part of me felt defensive, protective of my friend. But Trey didn’t deserve my reaction.

“If you have doubts or questions, please bring them to me before jumping to conclusions.”

That was a reasonable request. “I will.” A weight fell from my shoulders. I toyed with a strand of my hair, twisting it around my finger then releasing it, only to repeat the movement all over again. “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that. I’m struggling to process anything. And Justin ghosting me during this time has been difficult. I get why, but it doesn’t make it any easier.”

“Do you want to swing by his place?” Trey threaded my hand with his, pulling both over to rest on his firm thigh. “Talk it out with him before the funeral?”

“I do.” It would go a long way if Justin and I could hash things out. I’d sensed the distance in his tone when we’d spoken over the phone, and I didn’t like it. He was overly sensitive. I understood that about him, but he was taking things too far lately. It needed to stop.

We fell into silence with Trey stroking the back of my hand now and again. He could have been a major ass about what I’d said earlier, and the fact that he hadn’t been went a long way to soothe some of my fears about getting involved with him. Not physically—I was insanely attracted to him. But the world he came from… I thought I fit, but there were moments when I wasn’t sure.

We pulled up in front of Justin’s brick bungalow, and I scanned for his car. I didn’t see it, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t home. He could have had trouble finding a parking spot on the crowded street. Trey double-parked. His security was behind us. They would handle any issues that arose from blocking the way.

We hurried up the steps as an arctic wind tore down the street. I shivered as I pounded on the front door. His doorbell had been broken for a good six months. He’d never bothered to get it fixed. When the door didn’t open, I fished out the key with fingers that were losing their feeling. Trey took the key from my shaking hand and opened the lock. He shut the door behind us, and we stomped off any snow from walking through the parkway.

“Justin!” I wandered through the house. The kitchen looked the same as it had the last time we were there.

“Is he usually home at this time?”

“Typically.” I hurried down the basement steps. There was no sign of life there either. We retraced our path then went upstairs. In his bedroom, I began to worry. Things were missing—clothes, bathroom products, and all his shoes.

I shed my coat, a sheen of perspiration coating my upper lip and hairline.Why is it so hot in here?I hadn’t noticed it before, as it was an icebox outside, and I’d needed the warmth when we’d entered.

I couldn’t suppress the panic any longer and turned to face Trey. “He’s gone. I don’t understand.” I wrung my hands, not knowing how to contain my worry. “He took his shoes.”

Trey went over to the thermostat and played with the button. After about a minute of messing with it, he stopped. “The heat’s broken. It’s hot as hell in here. I’m sure he went to stay somewhere else, a hotel maybe, until it’s fixed.”

“No. He wouldn’t do that. It’s too expensive.”

“Then a friend’s.” He tugged on my hand. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

We rushed down the stairs and out the door. I almost welcomed the cold air. When we were back in the car, I tried Justin’s phone again, but it went to voicemail. I left a message, relaying the details for the funeral and asking where he was. After I hung up, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very wrong.



Ihad time to think in the car on the way to the condo. The rollercoaster of emotions and lashing out at Trey had to end. I was better than that, and he deserved more from me. I isolated what I was feeling to one emotion: fear for Justin. In my heart, I knew something was wrong. Maybe none of it was even about me—maybe he and his boyfriend had broken up or were fighting. I hadn’t been around to confide in, so I didn’t know. I hated what was happening between us and had to get it resolved. After the funeral, I planned to confront him face-to-face, and we could put all the weirdness in the past, where it belonged.

With my mind made up, took a deep breath then let all of it go. Everything would work out. It always did.

After Trey parked, we took the elevator to his living space. Once inside, I kicked off my boots and hung up my coat, watching him go straight for the wine. He took down two glasses, poured red in each, then held one out for me to take. I accepted it, standing closer than was usual, and took a sip. But that wasn’t what I wanted. “I know we need to talk, and I’m sorry again for the way I acted.”

Trey ran a hand through his hair, and indecision showed in his taut features. I needed to take control of the conversation before it started.

“Even though we need to, I don’t want to talk.”

“You don’t?” His brows furrowed, and he set his glass on the island next to mine. His gaze flitted from my eyes to my lips, reading my intent before I made a move.

I closed the distance between us and placed my hands on his firm chest, trailing my fingers until they settled on his incredible biceps. I loved how strong he was, mentally and physically. A thrill of excitement about what I was initiating raced through me as his hands went to my hips. He tugged me to him, and I went willingly. “I want you. All of you. Nothing is holding me back.” We’d been interrupted too many times when things between us heated up, either from circumstances or his iron will. I wasn’t having it, and I made my intent clear.

His hand slid up to bury his fingers at my nape, the other firm at my hip. Desire swirled in his eyes, dilating his pupils. My lips parted as he slowly dipped his head, giving me time to pull away. That wasn’t happening. I wanted him badly.

I rose to my toes and brushed my mouth over his, winding my arms around his neck. He took control of the kiss, coaxing me to open and teasing my tongue with his. Heat quickly built between us, and I melted into him. His gentle pulling on my hair sent sparks of need all the way to my toes. I moaned into his mouth. He urged my hips closer.
