Page 29 of Collateral Damage

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“I’ll have Nico drop one off. It completely slipped my mind to ask him before.” He pulled out his phone and shot off a text before putting it away again.

I briefly squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry. I wish we could have stayed longer, but I’m so glad we got to spend at least some time here.”

He released my hand then wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing me close. I snuggled against him. Lights twinkled ahead, and the faint sound of conversations danced above the rhythmic rolling water. He drew me toward the boardwalk that led to the restaurant, and we left the firmly packed sand near the shore, the dry granules shifting beneath our feet. We reached the boardwalk, and my heart pinched at the thought of leaving it all behind. I wanted to spend a month there with Trey. The island was so peaceful and laid-back, not at all like the defensive and hectic vibe in Chicago.

We walked along the weathered planks then trekked the short distance to one of the small observation decks where we’d left our shoes. Trey bent before me, and I rested my hands on his shoulders as he brushed the sand from my feet then slipped on my sandals. He got his shoes on, and we headed toward where he’d parked the car.

Trey opened my door and then rounded the vehicle to his side and got in. The engine purred to life, and we meandered through the streets with the windows down, letting in the balmy salt-laden air until we arrived at the house. It wasn’t far, and we could have walked if it hadn’t been dark. I wanted to drag my feet and return via the beach rather than the car, prolonging our exit off the island.If only.

The driveway was ahead on the right, and Trey turned in, the garage door raising as we neared. He pulled in and shut the engine off, and we got out. My heart was heavy as we walked inside to cool air blanketing us and causing me to shiver.

With the flick of a switch, Trey turned on the lights, and the mudroom was illuminated, as was the hall that led to the open-concept floor. My gaze was drawn to the outdoor living area, where the water in the infinity-edge pool softly glowed as if inviting us outside. I slipped my sandals off. The tiles were cool beneath my feet as I padded toward Sofia’s room. “I’ll only be a minute.”

“Take your time.”

I paused, my hand on the door as Trey passed to go into his room. The white button-down he wore stretched tightly across his wide shoulders, tapering down to his narrow waist. Beneath the thin material, his muscles bunched and flexed, and I longed to run my hands over them.

Once he was in his room, I entered Sofia’s. We hadn’t brought anything with us but the clothes on our backs. After changing, I went to stand by the sliding glass doors that led to the pool. Strong arms slipped around my waist, and I leaned against his chest. He rested his chin on my head.

I was worried about my best friend and what Allen might do to him. Even though he couldn’t turn either of us in to the police, part of me thought he had it in him to hurt Justin—maybe not physically, but somehow. He had no ties to Justin like the one he had to me, and Allen’s coldness extended to his business dealings. Too often, when he was conducting a meeting in the office at home, I’d heard him make threats.

He had something on Justin, and that was what I worried about most.

“Everything will be okay.” Trey’s arms tightened ever so slightly. “Justin will call back, and we’ll find where Allen is hiding the money.”

Justin took priority over screwing over Allen. “I hope he calls soon.”

“How important is it to recover the ransom?” Trey turned me in his arms so that we faced one another. “I’m asking because I’ll donate to the children’s fund tonight if that’s your biggest concern.”

Touched, I reached up and curled my hand around the back of his neck, urging him to lower his head. When he did, I brushed my lips across his in a tender kiss before drawing back. His magnetic pull made me want to keep kissing him, but I needed to get the rest of my thoughts out first.

“I want the money to go where it belongs, so yes, that’s very important to me. But whether it’s today or tomorrow doesn’t matter. I understand that you’re asking because it’s very likely Allen won’t hand over the cash now that he knows you have me. Why, I’m not sure, unless Justin told him we faked the abduction and that you aren’t holding me against my will.” He cupped the side of my face and brushed the pad of his thumb along my cheek.

“There was something in Allen’s voice that didn’t sit right with me. He’s either on to us, or he just doesn’t care one way or the other what the outcome will be. It’s unlikely he’ll deliver on the ransom tomorrow.”

“Do you think he’ll do anything to Justin?” My fingers tightened around the fabric of Trey’s shirt. I had my instincts, but I trusted his more in dangerous situations. We came from very different backgrounds, and of the two of us, he had a vast amount of experience over me.

“What could he do? Going to the police will only spotlight him, and that’s the last thing he wants. Justin doesn’t work for the hospital, and I doubt Allen cares enough to cash in any favors to get him fired.”

I rested my cheek on his chest and breathed in his scent. “You’re right. He isn’t that dedicated to anything. The most important thing to Allen is himself.”

He kissed the top of my head. “Let’s head out. The pilot will be at the jet by the time we get there if we leave now.”

On the way out, he turned off the lights before leading me to the front door, where a car waited to take us to the airport. He locked up as the driver got out of the car and held the door open to the back seat for us. I climbed in then scooted over to leave room for Trey. When the car door shut behind him, the driver got in, and we pulled away from the best surprise I’d had in a very long time.

All the sunshine, swimming, drinks, and stress over Justin must have caught up with me because one minute, we were pulling away from his family’s gorgeous home, and in the next, Trey nudged me awake. “We’re at the airport.”

I shivered from the effects of his deep voice. He helped me out of the car, and I walked beside him in a daze. We boarded the jet, choosing to sit on the couch along the side of the luxury cabin. I managed to buckle my seat belt and tuck myself into his side, and he wound an arm around my shoulders before my eyes drifted shut.

My eyelids briefly fluttered open when Trey carried me off the jet and again when we arrived home. Back in the room I’d been occupying in his place, I was vaguely aware of him slipping my shoes off and pulling the blanket over me. He bent and brushed a kiss against my lips. My fingers trailed over the fabric of his shirt. “Did he call back?” I had to know.

“Not yet.” He pulled the blanket up and covered me, chasing the chill of the room away.

I wanted to pull him into bed beside me and snuggle into his arms, but my mind had other plans as I slipped back into a restful sleep.

But then I huddled under the covers as a dream invaded my peace. In the dreamscape, dark clouds rolled overhead. I was outside with Trey, near the boutique. Lightning flashed, charging the air. Thunder rumbled, rattling the panes of the storefront windows, and I clung to Trey’s hand as we raced down the sidewalk, unsuccessfully dodging fat drops of rain. The world was sepia, warning us of danger, of bad omens.

The fine hairs on my arms stood on end as goose bumps rose. A blinding bolt of lightning struck the ground several feet in front of us, followed by a sonic boom worthy of a landmine—the explosive expansion of air launched us from our feet. Trey’s hand tore from mine. I screamed his name. Then my body dropped to the cement, pain radiating from the impact and leaving me stunned for more seconds than I was comfortable.
