Page 21 of Collateral Damage

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Frustration welled in my chest. “What is with all of you? Focus. I need to know who took a shot at us. I’m not even sure who the target was.”

Marco grinned, and his green eyes lightened with mirth. “This is so unlike you. Isn’t it, Nico?”

I glared at my oldest brother as my hand went to my gun, and the guys burst out laughing. At least Nico had the sense to take Marco’s laptop, spin it around, and type something. He was the one I needed the most help from.

“You’re all assholes.” There was no bite behind my words. I was the one that didn’t usually take things too seriously, aside from when I was in doctor mode. I knew they were enjoying the scene, and I also understood the source of the problem—Hailey.

It happened to all of us—first was Max with Lil. Enzo had always been a fool for my sister. Stefano would do anything for Emiliana. And then Marco. When he found out Elena was alive, nothing could have stopped him from going after her. Nico and I were the last. And Tony, but something told me his cards were different. I could have been wrong, though.

And the more time I spent with Hailey, I realized just how off I had been about the depth of my feelings for Teresa. Hailey was well on her way to owning my heart.


As soon as Sofia saw, she’d dragged me away from her brother and into the living room. I’d shed my new coat, draped it over the back of the burgundy couch, then kicked off my new boots and curled my legs under myself. Sofia perched on the love seat across from me.

“Love the boots,” she said. “Now, what the heck are you doing here with my brother?”

Before I could answer, a door slammed off in the distance and hijacked Sofia’s attention. Not even five seconds later, Elena, Lil, and Emiliana swarmed the room. The only one I knew was Sofia, but the other wives were equally as stunning, and I fidgeted in their palpable confidence. Power radiated throughout the room. I had no doubt it rivaled their husbands’. Trey wasn’t a boss, but he shared the same fierceness.

I’d done my homework—or stalking, as Justin would have said. A small smile curved my mouth because he would have been right there with me, obsessing over how hot they were, even though I had eyes only for Trey. Something about him drew me—even the photos of him posted online were captivating. A connection, even if imagined. That was what I’d thought then, prior to the night of the fundraiser. Now, after reconnecting with him, I knew I was right.

Emiliana took the seat next to Sofia. Elena claimed a tan club chair, and Lil sat on the other end of the couch where I was.

Sofia made introductions. “Okay, we’re all here.” She grinned. “Now, spill. What’re you doing with my brother?”

“He crashed my pseudo abduction in my best friend’s basement.”

“Come again?” Mirth colored Emiliana’s words.

Sofia smirked, and Emiliana shoved her. “You knew?”

“Seriously, Sof.” El frowned. “We missed out on an opportunity to harass him. That’s just not cool.”

Lil laughed, and Sofia waved them off. “I know all that, yes, but not why she’s here at the house. That’s…” She met Lil’s gaze across from her.

“Yeah,” Lil said. “It’s sort of a big deal.”

“Anyway”—Sofia brushed aside Emiliana and Elena’s earlier comments with a wave of her hand—“continue, Hailey.”

I gave them a brief rundown of what Justin and I had done, the video, Allen involving Trey to find me, and how Trey had flipped the kidnapping to his favor.

“The guys are having a meeting,” Elena said. “Does it have to do with you?”

“I’m not sure. Someone fired a shot at us when we were leaving a store.”

Lil’s light gaze swept over me. “Neither of you were hurt?”

I shook my head. “No. The shot was way off, from what he said.”

“Huh. Well, whatever. We’ll hear about that when they’re done.” Sofia dismissed the topic. “What I want to know is what’s going on between you and my brother because I’ve never seen him like this.”

Emiliana’s eyebrows furrowed. “Not even with Teresa?”

Sofia pursed her dark-red-stained lips. “Nope.”

“Interesting,” Lil said. “Are you and Trey dating?”

“I hope so.” Sofia squealed.
