Page 17 of House of Monsters

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“So you don’t know the rumors then. You know, the ones about this house?”

It wasn’t often I allowed myself to be so candid about what happened, but I was feeling unusually bold at the moment. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that a long forked tongue was currently dipping into my pussy, stretching me wider as another tongue lapped at my sensitive clit. I wanted to moan at the sensation of both Cyn and Cilas working together, their tongues caressing, saliva dripping, and my wetness coating their sharp teeth.

Ashley looked up from her phone, frowning at me, but Chris just kept staring at me, probably thinking we were having a moment. My face was probably flushed, but it wasn’t because of Chris and his tacky suit. It was because there was a shadow monster under the table eating my pussy like it was the last meal he’d ever have.

I leaned forward, trying to keep my knees from buckling, biting the inside of my cheek so hard, I could taste blood. Every time one of their tongues dipped into my heat, the other would press on my clit. They worked in tandem perfectly, and all I could think about was ordering these two idiots to leave so that I could demand they finish me off.

“Are you feeling all right, Iris? You look pale,” Chris said.

Pulling my eyes away from the paper I’d read over at least five times now, I gave him a bland smile. “Never been better actually.” The moment the words were out, lips closed around my clit and sucked, while a long tongue reached so far up into me that I was sure they could taste my cervix. A small moan slipped past my lips, but I covered it with a cough.

I was done pretending to read, so I signed each form. The logistics wouldn’t matter in the long run, but at least the house would legally belong to me. Maybe then, I’d finally be left alone to rot with the memory of my family. That was all I wanted—to be left here to just exist in the last place on earth where I ever felt any happiness.

“That should do it,” I said, pushing the forms back to Ashley. As she looked them over, I curled my fingers around the edge of the table, feeling pressure building inside of me, ready to be released. I needed to come hard, but I wasn’t sure I could keep silent.

My chest heaved as I held Chris’ penetrating stare. I could see blatant lust there, and it made my mouth dry up. This man had no idea who and what he was dealing with. I’d fucked all kinds of men, women, and everything in-between, but no one had ever come close to making me feel the way these monsters did in just three short days.

“Everything looks good,” Ashley said with a feigned smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “We’ll head back to the office and get this finalized. You should be receiving a letter in the mail within the week, but other than that, you are now the official owner of the Cooper estate and its assets.”

“Assets?” I had no idea what she was talking about. I wasn’t aware my family had anything else in their name. I’d never thought to ask about it when everything happened. All I’d been interested in doing was running away as fast as I could and never looking back.

“It’s all listed here, did you read it?” She waved the forms clutched between her pink painted fingers. “Your aunt left you her vacation cabin in Reno, an AirBnB property in Florida, as well as several vehicles, and then there’s the boat sitting in your family’s boathouse. All of it belongs to you now.”

I blinked at her. “That’s like…”

“Five million dollars give or take,” she finished for me with a wink. “You, Iris Cooper, are a very wealthy woman now.”

Something in my stomach curdled at the thought, but before I could digest the information, one of the shadow twins sucked on my clit again, causing my fingers to dig into the wooden table as I shut my eyes tight, my thighs shaking as waves of pleasure rolled through my body. I knew I probably looked like I was fucking possessed right now, but fuck…

“Are you okay?” Ashley asked, sounding concerned. When I opened my eyes, I watched as she took a hesitant step towards me.

I held up a hand, stopping her in her tracks as I tried to catch my breath. “Just a little…overwhelmed, you know? That’s a lot of money.” I kicked out my foot, feeling resistance as claws skimmed over my calf. A dark chuckle drifted up from under the table as fingers slid my panties back into place.

“We’ll, uh, let you get back to…redecorating,” she said with a visible cringe as she glanced around the room again, eyeing the broken glass and shattered chairs.

Letting out a long breath, I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair and faked a simile as I rounded the table. My legs were slightly wobbly. Chris’ eyes dipped, no doubt to the very visible wet spot on the front of my panties. He smirked, his eyes heating again as he not so subtly attempted to adjust himself in his slacks. I screwed up my nose in disgust but smoothed my features out before he glanced back up.

I walked Ashley and Chris to the door, following them out into the cool air and down several steps to make sure they were finally leaving. It wasn’t that I was feeling protective over this house or anything, but it just didn’t feel right having them in there. This place didn’t belong to the living anymore.

We said our goodbyes, and I waved as they stepped into the car. Wind whipped my hair off my shoulders and dried the sweat on my brow, taking the flush in my cheeks. Then the car stopped before it even rounded the fountain. The passenger door opened, and Chris hopped out just as I was getting ready to head back inside. My stomach tightened, and I narrowed my eyes as he jogged up the steps.

“I forgot my phone inside,” he said with what he probably thought was a charming smirk. I didn’t know what it was about men like him thinking they had the world in their palms. The confidence radiating off of him was laughable, because I knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t be able to back it up.

I sighed, my shoulders falling as I waved a hand towards the door, following him back inside. Sure enough, there was his phone sitting right there on the dining room table. He swiped it and shoved it into his pocket, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

“I hope this doesn’t come off too forward, but I was kinda wondering if maybe you’d want to go out with me sometime?” His question caught me off guard.

I blinked at him for a moment in stunned silence. Was he really asking me out right now? Me, the crazy woman standing in my half demolished living room wearing underwear and a ratty old T-shirt? Me, the woman whose family was murdered in the very house we stood in? Me, who hadn’t been welcoming to either of the lawyers in the slightest? Men really did have nothing but fucking audacity.

I opened my mouth to tell him to get fucked, but he must have seen the rejection in my eyes because he stepped closer. He was crowding me against the wall and way too close for comfort. I could smell the pungent cologne wafting off of him, making my eyes sting.

“You need to back off,” I warned. I was immediately on alert. He was too fucking close, and everything in my body rebelled against it. “Now. Take your shit, leave my house, and don’t come back.”

A low growl sounded from the next room—a familiar growl. Even Chris heard it this time and glanced at the entryway with a confused frown. “Do you have a dog?”

“Yeah, a big ass mean fucker who likes to eat little shits like you for dinner.” I thought of the fleshy pile of Chaos lying in the guest bedroom, sort of wishing Kaz hadn’t torn him in half. All it would take was one look at him, and Chris would shit his pants and probably end up a babbling mess in a straitjacket.

Chris gave me a lopsided smile. “Come on, Iris. I know you felt something between us back there.” He nodded at the dining room. “Just one dinner is all I'm asking for. What’s the harm in that?”
