Page 79 of Celestia, Year One

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"Okay. Maybe I should sleep too?" I pondered, resting my head on my arms.

I'd been trying to get a hold of Magnor, just to check on him, but both times I tried to call, he hadn't picked up. He was more of a letter person, and I'd sent him two letters, one per week, but I'd yet to hear back. He wasn't the type to delay in responding, but with the recent increase in Forsaken incidents, especially during our exam, he must have been busy.

I closed my eyes, listening to Arielle’s soft inhales and exhales and the ticking of the clock. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until I felt something brush against my cheek.

"Cutie Pie?"

I opened my eyes to see gold and amber ones staring at me.

"Caio?" I asked.

"Hmm. Are you getting sick? You've been sleeping a lot lately." Caio gave me a worried look.

"No. I was taking a nap," I admitted, lifting my head up to yawn.

Arielle was still in her spot, sleeping away. Caio was sitting across from me, his orange locks were still wet and were wrapped in a white towel.

I lowered my gaze to his bare chest, noticing his neck tattoo wasn't only on his collarbone but trailed down his right shoulder to the middle of his bicep. It reminded me of his tiger stripes, the thick black stripes of ink in some type of tribal design.

I silently cursed the table that prevented me from seeing past his defined pecs, but if he had the same build as Cairus, I figured he also had a six-pack.

"Okay. As long as you’re not coming down with anything," he stated.

I nodded. "I'm fine, promise. Did you just get back?" I inquired.

"Thirty minutes ago. I thought everyone was out, but I could sense Cairus upstairs. I checked on him and he's still asleep. He loves training in the middle of the night. I'm surprised he's able to get up for morning classes with what little sleep he gets," Caio complained.

"He's a night person versus you who likes the day?" I asked.

"Yup. He loves the moonlight and anything that revolves around nighttime. It's like he gets an energy boost of some sort. I'm rather sluggish during the night. I only get up to train because I prepare for the sunrise," Caio explained, resting his elbows on the table. He placed his head in his hands to stare at me.

"Sia loves the night and I love the day, but we both get rather weak without sunlight. That's why Sia trains during the first half of the night. Once it gets past three in the morning or if we've been in a dark area for too long, we get really sluggish," I explained.

Caio nodded in understanding. "I feel like a plant," he joked.

I laughed. "Me too! It's ridiculous. I love the power boost I get in the day since it helps me to stay more focused on tasks and training, but sometimes it would be nice to enjoy the night," I expressed.

"Yup. Especially when some dimensions and villages do night festivals. It's something I've always wanted to participate in, but never got the opportunity. I'm hoping one day I'd be able to go and enjoy one," Caio admitted.

"That would be awesome. I hope I'll be able to come with you," I admitted, imagining how awesome it would be to go to a festival with all of the guys.

"Maybe when we have school break?" Caio suggested; his gaze looked far away, but he had a peaceful expression on his face.

"That would be fun," I replied, matching his serene look. I lowered my gaze to his tattoo again, curious as to if he'd been born with it.

"Are you intrigued?" Caio asked.

I blinked, feeling my cheeks grow hot at him catching me checking him out. "Yes. Is that a tattoo or a marking?" I questioned.

"Marking. I was born with it. Cairus has the same thing, just on his left side. I guess it somewhat helped my parents figure out the difference between us, although our mom can tell us apart much better than our dads," Caio explained.

I nodded, staring at it yet again. I wished I wasn't across the table and could get a better look at it. I always hid mine just as I hid my unique hair until recently. I didn't know if I had enough confidence yet to walk proudly with my markings showing in front of a lot of people. It wasn't like I needed to be ashamed of it. I was proud, but to draw attention to myself, especially in my current situation wouldn't be wise.

Caio watched me carefully; a small smile formed on his lips.

"Celestia. Come here."

I blinked out of my daze, giving him a confused look. He just continued to smile at me with that soft expression. His eyes glittered with amusement. I pushed back my chair, getting up and walking to his side. He pulled out his own chair and stood up.

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