Page 247 of Alpha Male

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Toren’s beast was pushing for release. Looking at Duck, who nodded his understanding, he stepped back into the house and stripped. Grabbing a special pack he’d fashioned years before, he quickly stuffed his clothes inside, along with his wallet, a gun, and extra ammunition.

After handing Duck his cell phone, he took an earpiece the man pulled out of somewhere and stuck it in his ear. He slipped his arms into the pack and then allowed his beast to step forward. The shift happened effortlessly and quickly, and in seconds, where the man had stood, there was now a big, black wolf wearing a backpack.

Three racing steps, and he flew over the porch railing. This time, when he landed, four of his men in their wolf forms followed as he raced to the fence and leaped over it.

He knew Duck and the others would gather clothes for the men with him before following in trucks and SUVs, but he couldn’t worry about them. He had a mate to find and bring home.

Once she was back in his arms, he would do whatever it took to keep her from running away again.


Katee woke feeling like she had been run over by a truck. Everything hurt from her eyebrows to her toes, but she could not remember why.

Had she been sick?

Had she been in an accident?

The last thing she remembered was walking out of the cute coffee shop in town after using all the skills she’d picked up watching every episode of 1980s detective shows to leave Toren’s home. A man had stopped her, asking directions to somewhere, and then there had been a prick at the side of her neck where it flared out into her shoulder.

Opening her eyes, Katee blinked before closing them again. Then she blinked several times. Slowly turning her head, she hissed as the pain in her head ratcheted up several notches.

Nope, wherever she was, there was no relief from the darkness that surrounded her.

Shifting around, Katee discovered she was lying on her left side. When she tried to move her arms and leg, she found they were bound behind her. At least she was still wearing her clothes.

Okay, she was hogtied and somewhere dark. There were no car sounds, no sounds of any kind, so she figured she wasn’t in a car trunk.

Since thinking hurt and moving her head made her nauseous, Katee closed her eyes and relaxed. Maybe a little more rest would help her figure out how to get out of wherever this was and back to Toren.

She jerked when a door opened in front of her and light flooded in, showing she had been in a closet. She closed her eyes against the brightness and swallowed to keep her stomach from rebelling.

“What the fuck were you thinking putting her in a closet?” a voice said with a growl before she heard a slapping sound.

“Ow. I didn’t know where else to put her,” a slow-sounding voice responded. “You said to put her somewhere safe, I figured this was as safe as anywhere else.”

“Well, get her out of there and untie her. Get hersomething to eat and drink. If she’s not in perfect condition when he gets here, Waverly might use that as a reason to start a war, which is the last thing we need,” the first voice said.

A moment later, Katee was picked up and carried to a chair across what appeared to be an office. The man was big and ugly and smelled like sweat and onion, making Katee’s unsettled stomach worse. It took a minute, but her feet were untied and allowed to drop to the floor. Then her arms were freed, and the big man holding her set her down in a chair.

“I understand that you’re the new alpha bitch of the Waverly pack,” a greasy-looking man who didn’t appear much bigger than she was said as he sat down in the big leather chair on the other side of the big desk.

Katee wasn’t sure whether to answer the question or not, so she kept her mouth shut. Leaning back in the chair, she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her gaze. “Who the fuck are you? And what’s the Waverly pack?”

The man in the chair sat forward and folded his hands together on the desk. She could tell his suit was expensive and tailored to fit his narrow shoulders. That, combined with the greased-back hair, made her feel like she had stepped into a mafia movie or something.

“I am Jason Keller, and you know what the Waverly pack is. You’re mated to their alpha.”

Katee raised one eyebrow and tilted her head just a bit to the left. “I am?”

Keller flicked his gaze to the man who remained standing behind her, and a big hand smacked the back of her head. Katee had to grit her teeth to keep from screaming as pain exploded in her head.

“Now, Miss Jones, unless you want another smack, I recommend you answer my questions. Now, are you, or are you not, Toren’s new mate?”

Katee rolled her lips over her teeth and clamped her mouth shut. Another slap to the back of her head nearly knocked her out of the chair. This time, she could no longer hold down her nausea. Falling forward, she shifted her feet out of the way and threw up on the floor.

“Shit,” Keller swore as she finished, and the big man behind her grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up again. “Put her back in the closet while I call Toren. Maybe he’ll be willing to negotiate now that we’ve got his bitch.”

Though the last thing she wanted was to ask this man for anything, she really needed to rinse out her mouth, and maybe pee. “Can I use the bathroom first, please?”
