Page 171 of Alpha Male

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“Or you could … come back to my hotel with me.”

Willa jerked back. “I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

She could get fired. He was the dad of one of her students. This had been nice, more than nice, but this was as far as she was willing to go so soon.

“Did you not enjoy my company tonight?”

“It’s not that, it’s just, there are rules.”

Xander stepped closer to her, and she gasped as she moved back, but the side of the car stopped her from going anywhere else.

His hands were pressed on the top of the car, caging her in. His body was lithe and powerful.

She wasn’t afraid. If anything, his domination turned her on.

For some odd reason, she had a feeling Xander would never hurt her. This took her by surprise. Why did she feel this way? She had never met him before in her life.

“You know, some rules are supposed to be broken.”

“I could lose everything if they found out. It would be the talk of the campus.” Why was she even considering this?

“I pay the school a lot of money to deal with my son, Willa. If you’re the woman I want to help him, then they can’t get rid of you. Besides, they don’t have to know, not yet.” He lowered his arm and placed it on her hip.

Her heart raced.

She didn’t know how it was possible, but he got closer to her. His body was flush against hers, and she felt every inch of him. The man was tall, his frame strong and impossibly hard.

“You have no idea how this feels for me,” he said. He pressed his face against her neck, breathing her in. She could feel his rough stubble against her skin.

“You smell so fucking good. I’ve heard the rumors, but I never realized how it would be to find the right one. My mate.”

She’d noticed that he kept referring to boyfriends asmates. Why did he say it like that?

Willa closed her eyes as his lips traced across her neck, settling on her pulse. Did he just lick her neck?

A moan escaped her lips, her body flooded with liquid need.

She couldn’t think of any other way to describe it. An overwhelming flood of wanton energy consumed her. Willa wanted him to claim her, to own her. She wanted him to make her feel every kind of elicit pleasure.

He stroked the curve of her hip and then moved back around toward her ass.

“Fuck me, you’re perfect all over. I don’t know how this is possible, but you’re sensational.”

No one had ever called her this before. She’d been called a lot of names throughout her life, but never perfect or sensational.

Staring into his eyes, she believed him as well. He made her feel desirable and beautiful—but she wasn’t.

This was moving way too fast.

His lips were coming ever closer.

“I think it’s time for you to take me home,” she said.


“Please. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I don’t want to be part of it.” She wanted to cringe, but she clenched her hands into fists instead. That seemed to be the easiest option.

This man was confusing her.
